Online Student Resources

Pierce Online

Monday - Friday 10am - 4:30pm
Email: @email

Day of the Week Subject Time Led By Zoom Link
Mondays  Canvas Student  Support 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM  Azita Khami Zoom Link
Tuesdays Canvas Student  Support 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM  Azita Khami Zoom Link
Thursdays Canvas Student  Support 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Azita Khami Zoom Link

LAPC Student Password Reset

Monday - Friday 10am - 4:30pm
Phone: (818) 464-4410
Email: @email
Enter the Admissions and Records Virtual Lobby

Canvas Support

24/7 Live Chat with Canvas Student Support
Canvas Student Guides

YuJa Support

Phone: 1-888-257-2278
Email: @email 
YuJa Student Guides

Academic Accommodation Services : (818) 719-6430
Students with disabilities, whether physical, learning, or psychological, who believe that they may need accommodations in this class, are encouraged to contact the office of Special Services as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. Authorization, based on verification of disability, is required before any accommodation can be made.

Academic Counseling Services : (818) 719-6440
Academic counselors are available to assist you with many of your educational needs such as help in clarifying your values and goals; develop a student education plan (SEP); interpret articulation agreements with other colleges and universities, and much more. ASSIST is an online student-transfer information system that shows how course credits earned at one public California college or university can be applied when transferred to another. ASSIST is the official repository of articulation for California’s public colleges and universities and provides the most accurate and up-to-date information about student transfer in California.

Associated Students Organization: (818) 710-4127
The Pierce College student government organization supports the growth of Pierce College through active involvement with students, faculty, and staff. Our goal is to create a better environment for an overall academic experience through leadership and club participation.

Brahma Food Pantry and Basic Needs : The Brahma Pantry and Basic Needs Program provides students with access to food, ongoing motivational support and referrals to agencies that are designed to meet students’ basic needs i.e. physical, psychological/emotional and economic needs. Our goal is to alleviate stressors in order to help students be successful at the college and beyond!

Bookstore: (818) 719-6420
The Pierce College Bookstore provides for the sale of books and supply requirements connected with the academic programs of the college.

CalWorks: (818) 719-6400
The CalWorks program serves all CalWorks students attending Pierce College. A variety of services designed to support your educational, career, and personal goals is offered, such as advocacy for child care, student education plans (SEP), work-study opportunities, child care in the campus Child Development Center for eligible children, and much more.

Career Center: (818) 710-4126
The mission of the Pierce Career Center is to educate and to serve the students of Pierce College in the career education, planning and development processes. Career Center services and resources provide assistance to students with the exploration of career options, the cultivation of a comprehensive employment and education plan, and the enhancement of job search techniques and strategies.

Center for Academic Success: (818) 305-4569
The CAS is committed to helping students in need of academic support acquire the skills and tools necessary to meet their individual academic, vocational, or personal goals. All tutoring services are free to currently enrolled Pierce College students.

Child Development Center : (818)719-6494
The LA Pierce College Child Development Center provides free-to-low cost early childhood education, childcare, and meals to qualifying families. We have half and full day programs with priority going to Pierce College student families with children ages 2-4 years old.

Dream Resource Center: (818) 712-2692
Los Angeles Pierce College is committed to providing educational opportunities and access to all students. The Los Angeles Community College District, including Pierce College, is deeply committed to protecting the rights of our undocumented students who attend our colleges and receive state aid under the provisions of AB 540 and the California Dream Act.

Equal Opportunity Programs and Services : (818) 719-6422
EOP&S is a state-funded support program designed to assist qualified low-income and educationally disadvantaged students in completing their educational goals with the assistance of financial and student support services. It is an invitational program open only to those who qualify and commit to participate in the program.

Health & Wellness Center: (818) 710-4270
The Pierce College Student Health & Wellness Center is committed to delivering expert medical care to students. Each student is given professional and cost-effective medical attention. All registered students, regardless of insurance, are eligible for the same no charge or low-cost care. Personal Counseling is also available to all currently enrolled students. The Pierce College Student Health Center is committed to providing care to support your academic and personal well-being.

Library: (818) 719-6409
The Pierce College Library serves all currently enrolled students, college faculty and staff, and members of the community. The library provides print and electronic resources for research and independent study, quiet study areas and group study rooms, and computers, printers, and a book scanner. In-person help is available during the library's regular hours and users may chat online with a librarian 24/7 through the library's website.

Transfer Center: (818) 710-2907
The mission of the Pierce College Transfer Center is to help students successfully transfer to a four-year institution. The Transfer Center offers aid to students in the transfer process to ensure a smooth and positive transition.

UMOJA: (818) 710-2566
Umoja is a Kiswahili word meaning unity. It is an academic learning community and resource dedicated to enhancing the cultural and educational experiences of African American students and others. Umoja advances academic excellence, community building, and student leadership as its program goals. Students can enroll in a yearlong program, where they will take linked classes by Umoja trained professors. The Umoja community will allow for strong bonds to be developed by students, professors, mentors, and counselors.

Veterans Office: (818) 710-3316
The mission of the Pierce College Veterans Office is to provide a supportive environment for veterans and to assist them with the services they need to receive VA benefits and to successfully complete their educational goals at Pierce College. The Veteran Office is designed as a liaison between you as a veteran and the Veteran’s Administration. Our email contact is @email