Pierce College Facade


About LAPC

Los Angeles Pierce College is a top-ranked two-year public institution in Southern California providing excellent opportunities for transfer education, career training, and life-long learning.

Founded in 1947, Pierce is a comprehensive college with an astounding 145 disciplines and 85 academic degree programs being taught to 20,000 diverse students. It has 60 state-approved certificates and a growing collection of free short-term non-credit certificates.

Located on 426 acres in the western San Fernando Valley, nestled next to the thriving business district of Warner Center, Pierce College combines state-of-the-art technology and learning with the picturesque beauty of its rolling hills. The campus' setting among 2,000 trees, thousands of rose bushes, a nature preserve, botanical garden and a forest area boasting giant redwoods makes it unique in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.

True to its beginnings almost 75 years ago as an agricultural college, Pierce still maintains large sections of tillable and range land preserved as an enclave within a suburban environment. A 226-acre "farm in the city" spans the west side of campus, featuring an equestrian center and sustaining small herds of cattle, sheep and goats.

Pierce College sets the pace in community college education, preparing students to take their place or to retrain in industries at the forefront of technological advances. With year-round class offerings in 15, eight and five-week in-person, online or hybrid options, students are enjoying the flexibility to move more quickly through the curriculum with greater academic success. Peruse our class schedules at www.lapc.edu/schedules.

Many students transfer to the University of California system, the California State University system, and private universities to earn bachelor's degrees. Pierce is currently #1 in transfer acceptance rate to UCLA and #1 in transfer to CSUN of all 116 California Community Colleges.

Pierce College has one of the highest transfer performances in Southern California. A six-year study first released in 2013 by the State Chancellor's office revealed that Pierce is among the elite few of California community colleges showing the highest graduation and transfer rates among the 112 colleges then in the system.

Honors students have the enviable record of rarely being turned down for admission to the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Honors students who applied to UCLA in 2021 had an 87% acceptance rate.

The College combines academic excellence with a friendly and helpful faculty and staff. It has a solid reputation for being a student-friendly institution, offering students high-quality and challenging education that will prepare them for university or vocational work. Pierce students benefit from smaller class sizes with dedicated professors who can give them individual attention, and from much lower tuition than a four-year university.

And for most students, tuition is free! Under the Los Angeles College Promise, Pierce College waives tuition fees and provides guaranteed admission to first-time, full-time students. This means that students will receive support in their journey to complete a higher education degree and/or a certificate no matter their financial situation—it is not income-based. Visit https://www.lapc.edu/promise/

Students can take advantage of many financial aid opportunities available, including federal, state, and local grants as well as fee waivers, federal work-study, and loans. Find them at http://www.lapc.edu/offices/financial_aid/.

Beyond academics, come find out how to benefit from student services like Associated Students Organization, Bookstore, Brahma Pantry and Basic Needs, CalWORKS, Career and Transfer Center, Center for Academic Success (tutoring), Child Development Center, Counseling, Disabled Students, Dream Center, Extended Opportunities, First Year Experience, Honors Transfer Program, PACE, Student Health Center, Umoja, Veteran's Resource Center—there are just too many to name. Plus, enjoy ten men's and women's active athletics teams. Visit https://www.lapc.edu/pierce_students.asp.

We've modernized. Over the last decade, the college's construction program funded by several Los Angeles voter bonds has revitalized the campus, enlarging and advancing its capacity and beauty.

The fine Center for the Sciences, Student Services Building, College Services Building, Child Development Center and Library Learning Crossroads are now vibrant centers for student learning and support. The Automotive Program is expanding into a new 20,000 square foot facility dedicated to electric cars and alternative fuels.

The College is one of the nine colleges of the Los Angeles Community College District, and is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, a nationally recognized accrediting agency.

Los Angeles Pierce College is proud to be recognized as one of the most respected community colleges and transfer institutions in California. We are the Brahmas.


Updated Spring 2023