Library Learning Crossroads Facade


Brahma Leadership Society

Brahma Leadership Society

The Brahma Leadership Society enhances students’ leadership resumes through curriculum that helps students translate on-campus involvement to real-world skills for a competitive edge in the transfer process and following graduation.

Why Join?

Engagement in the Brahma Leadership Society will provide opportunities for you to:

  • Create and add to YOUR leadership style.
  • Increase your confidence in writing about YOU.
  • Identify YOUR personal values.
  • Build a community of scholars who learn from and excel together!
  • The Brahma Leadership Society Curriculum records campus activities in Achievement Areas.
  • By completing the leadership pathway, students can earn membership in the Brahma Leadership Society.
  • The completed curriculum creates a leadership resume of the Brahma experience to help illustrate the skills employers are looking for!

Benefits to Students!

Besides the advantages Brahma Leadership Society was designed to provide, just being involved can improve overall student success:

  • Business executives care more about new hires’ thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills than their undergraduate majors (AAC&U National Survey of Business and Non-Profit Leaders, 2013).
  • There is a positive relationship between engagement and co-curricular activities, and four-year graduation rates and GPA (SERU Survey, 2011)
  • Managed by the Student Engagement Office, the Brahma Leadership Society, is a prestigious group designed to give its members a competitive edge for future success.
  • Student members have access to unique events, networking opportunities with potential employers, and rewards like unique graduation regalia and other swag!

How to Participate!

The Brahma Leadership Society curriculum will be a hybrid model (online & in-person). This is our effort to be as accessible to students as possible! Some events/trainings will be on campus, and some will be online. The Canvas course designed for this leadership development program is not graded and will all be online. LAPC students can enroll in the course by signing up on the Brahma Leadership Society Canvas course (self-enroll) or request to be added by Dr. Lara Conrady (facilitator of the program). It is open enrollment, and we hope to reach all interested students who are wanting to learn more about their leadership potential.


Please note that weekly schedules will vary for the Fall 2023 semester.

The Brahma Leadership Society programming starts in Fall 2023 and goes into Spring 2024 for student program completion. Workshops, trainings, and events in Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 all count towards induction to the Brahma Leadership Society.