LAPC Facilities


Pierce College is still one of the most affordable colleges nationwide. To determine a student's financial need, the Financial Aid Office will take into consideration the student's cost of attendance and expected family contribution.

Fees may be paid online at
via credit card. For more details on fees, see the College Catalog.

Enrollment Fee $46* per unit – Fees and Refund

*Enrollment fees are set by the California State Legislature and are subject to change before the semester begins.

Non-Resident Tuition per unit

  • Students from another state: $359.00 + $46.00* (Tuition and Enrollment Fees) = total per unit $388.00
  • Students from another country: $359.00 + $46.00* (Tuition and Enrollment Fees) = total per unit $388.00
  • Student Representation Fee: $2
  • Health Services Fee $19 (Spring or Fall Semester) and $16 (Winter or Summer); Effective Fall 2020.

*Fees subject to change by the California Legislature

Optional Fees

A parking permit is required at all times when using campus parking facilities during regular school hours, 7 a.m. - 10 p.m., Monday through Thursday; Friday 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. All school fees must be paid in full before parking permits can be purchased. The Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) has authorized parking fees for all on-campus parking district colleges.

To encourage membership in the LAPC Associated Students' Organization (ASO), the College Administration has entered into an agreement with the ASO whereby individuals who both pay the District parking fee and join the ASO will receive as a benefit of the membership preferred parking privileges on campus. Students displaying a Preferred Student Parking Permit/Decal may park, if space is available, in all student lots, including the preferred lots (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9). As well as legally allowable street parking. The non-preferred parking lot is 5. A permit is required and must be displayed to park on campus. All parking is on a space available basis. Students can buy only one parking permit per semester, regardless if the permit is lost or stolen. Student must come to the College Business Office to pick up parking permit.

All school fees must be paid in full before parking permits can be purchased.

  • Non-Preferred/Restricted Permit $20.00
  • ASO Membership Fee $7.00
  • Preferred/Non-Restricted Permit Total Fee $27.00
  • Charge to replace lost or stolen permit $27.00

  • Non-Preferred/Restricted Permit $7.00
  • ASO Membership Fee $ 3.00
  • Preferred/Non-Restricted Permit Total Fee $10.00

Admission Records Office

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:30AM - 6:30PM
Fridays: 8:30AM - 12:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Student Services Building
6201 Winnetka Avenue
Woodland Hills, CA 91371


Phone: (818) 719-6404