Pierce College Facade



Spring 2025 Contacts Timeline

Questions, concerns, or need to make a counseling appointment?
Visit the EOP&S Virtual Lobby for immediate assistance.

Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOP&S)

EOP&S is a state-funded support program designed to assist qualified low-income and educationally disadvantaged students in completing their educational goals with the assistance of financial and student support services. It's an invitational program open only to those who qualify and commit to participate in the program. The program is open to all qualified students from high school graduates to working adults, including students enrolled in the PACE program..

Fill out EOP&S Interest Form  

  • Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE): CARE is an EOP&S program created especially for students who are single parents (head of household) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients. In addition to special counseling, CARE assists students with extra childcare expenses, if needed, meal tickets, and supplies. Students must qualify for the EOP&S program to participate.
  • NextUp (formerly known as CAFYES): NextUp is designed for current or former foster youth whose dependency was established or continued by the court on or after a student's 13th birthday. Qualified students receive assistance balancing their academic needs with financial assistance (for meals, textbooks, school supplies, graduation, and more) and additional support services.
  • EOP&S students receive priority registration that allows enrollment in classes before other LAPC students.

  1. Be a California resident or qualify for AB 540 exemption waiver.
  2. Qualify for the CA Promise Grant Method A, B or C with $0 EFC. To qualify, submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application.
  3. Have completed less than 60 degree-applicable units, including all coursework completed at other colleges and universities. Priority consideration will be given to students with less than 45 cumulative units.
  4. Registered in 12 or more units at LAPC at the time of application, with the exception of students registered with AAC/Special Services. Wait listed units are not recognized.
  5. Have a demonstrated disadvantage met through one of the criteria listed:
    • Not qualified for English or Math required for the college degree (based on assessment results)
    • No high school diploma or GED
    • High school GPA below 2.5
    • Have taken remedial courses
    • Use English as a second language
    • First-generation college student
    • Emancipated foster youth
    • Member of college-identified underrepresented group

EOP&S Student Learning Outcomes

It is the goal of EOP&S to ensure that each participating student is proficient in understanding the complexities of higher education, knowledgeable of resources necessary to be successful in their studies, and to develop a "road map" to achieving their objectives. EOP&S evaluates its effectiveness in providing quality services by identifying student learning outcomes and assessing the extent to which students have achieved those outcomes.


Students will:

  • Identify their career objective
  • Identify their academic objective
  • Follow their Student Educational Plan (SEP) developed in conjunction with their EOP&S counselor

Support Services

Students will enhance their success by:

  • Participating in EOP&S Tutoring (Starts the 2nd week of the Fall and Spring semesters)
  • Receiving books through the EOP&S Book Service
  • Participating in Academic Probation Workshops

Students will be successful participants in EOP&S by completing an EOP&S New Student Orientation Canvas Module. They will develop a sense of self-worth and accomplishment by participating in the annual EOP&S Graduation/Transfer ceremony.

EOP&S Office

Office Hours and Location

Monday - Friday: 8:00AM - 4:30PM

Virtual Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:00pm

Los Angeles Pierce College
Student Services Bldg, 2nd Fl.
6201 Winnetka Ave.
Woodland Hills, CA 91371


EOP&S Office 
Email: eops-pierce@piercecollege.edu
Phone: (818) 719-6422

Connect with us virtually on Cranium

Follow us on Instagram @lapceops