Welcome Center
Welcome Center
LAPC students - Identity confirmation may be required to enroll in online classes. Students who received an email for identity verification can visit the Welcome Center in-person or utilize our virtual chat services by accessing Virtual QLess Kiosk. Please have a photo ID available to confirm your identity, California driver's license or passport preferred. For the Virtual Welcome Center, a live webcam and photo ID are required.
The Welcome Center's team offers assistance to prospective, new, and continuing students, providing computer-related support services to successfully navigate through Los Angeles Pierce College.
The In-Person Welcome Center specializes in assisting students with the following:
- Pierce College online admissions application
- FAFSA online financial aid application
- Understanding and completing the steps for enrollment, including orientation
- Finding class schedules and course offerings
- Student portal access and troubleshooting; including resetting passwords
- General navigation of portal tools and services, including registration and payment for classes through the student portal
- Answering general questions about Pierce College and providing information about programs, majors, and student services
The Welcome Center is located on the ground floor of the Student Services Building.
To join our in-person queue from anywhere you can download the QLess App for both iPhone and Android, text LAPC to (626) 624-5054, or by utilizing our web interface: Welcome_Center - QLess Kiosk
Pierce College also features a Virtual Welcome Center for those students who are unable to come in person. Our virtual center is able to assist with all your admissions and financial aid questions as well as perform password resets. To join our virtual Q, visit the following link: Virtual_Welcome_Center - QLess Kiosk or by scanning the QR code below.
Accessibility for Zoom Meetings
- Enable the Closed Captions feature
- Live Chat with Staff
- Request an Interpreter through aac@piercecollege.edu
Virtual Welcome Center - QLess Kiosk

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday: 9am - 6pm
Friday: 9am - 4pm
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday: 1 pm - 5 pm/Password Reset 1 pm to 3 pm