Student Services Office

Student Health Center

Student Health and Wellness Center

Our Vision

Support student success through better health and wellness.

Our Mission

The health center strives to improve the quality of life of our students through medical and mental wellbeing services and health education to support their academic success and personal development.

Welcome to the Student Health Center
Los Angeles Pierce College Student Health and Wellness Center is a full service clinic ready to serve all of your physical and mental health needs. 
Clinic Hours:
Monday- Thursday 830am to 7pm
Fridays 830am to 4pm.
Student Services Building 2nd floor.
Access the Pierce College Student Health Portal
Evening, Weekends and holidays all students can access Timelycare 
24/7 Virtual health and Wellbeing services FREE for all students

Pierce College brings you Timelycare  

  • Access Timelycare 
  • Use your laptop or download the app on your phone
  • Log in with your Pierce Student email: Don't know your Pierce or LACCD email click here to learn 
  • Make your profile
  • Schedule a counselling appointment or talk to a counselor now 
  • Issues addressed: anxiety, panic attacks, depression, relationships, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts and any mental health related concern
  • No insurance required, no fees, completely confidential
  • Access services 24/7, year round including holidays and weekends
  • Each student receives up to 12 individual counseling session per year at no cost
  • You may call the student health center for any questions and log in assistance at 818-710-4270
  • Click here to learn more

Emergency and Crisis Assistance

  • If you are experiencing a life threatening emergency while on campus, call 4311 from any campus phone or (818) 719-6450 from your cellular phone to reach the Campus Sheriff. If you are off-campus, dial 911.
  • Please do not call 911 directly. The College Sheriff will contact, meet and escort responding 911 units to the appropriate location.
  • Blue Emergency Phones are available throughout the campus.

Psychological Assistance

On-campus personal counseling, crisis intervention, and referrals are available. Call the Student Health Center at extension 4270 or (818) 710-4270 or the Campus Sheriff at (818) 719-6450. You may also call 988 for any mental health emergency on or off campus.
Student can access Timelycare 24/7 , after hours, weekends and holidays.
Timelycare provides crisis intervention, scheduled counselling (up to 12 sessions per year) and basic needs services. 

We are here for you

  • The Student Health Center is not open on weekends and holidays. 
  • Please utilize local hospitals and urgent cares for after-hour care.
  • Student can access Timelycare 24/7 , after hours, weekends and holidays for any mental health concern.
  • Appointments are recommended to see all providers and the Psychologists in the health center.
  • Walk-ins are always welcome.
  • Providers are available during clinic hours for crisis intervention, injuries, assessment, health education, resources, for prescription and over the counter medications, supplies, and for any questions.

Dental Trauma

  • Students who experience dental trauma "a knocked out tooth" should keep the tooth moist in a cup of cold, whole milk or re-insert the tooth back into its socket, and seek immediate attention (within 30 minutes). The student should visit the nearest emergency room for immediate care to preserve the tooth.

Unprotected sex

Student who have engaged in unprotected sexual activity or has been a victim of sexual assault, can still prevent pregnancy and potential sexually transmitted infections. PEP medications can prevent HIV if started within 72 hours of sexual encounter. Antibiotics can prevent other sexually transmitted infections. If you have been exposed to potential infection through a sexual contact or assault, or suspect you may have been assaulted while unconscious, contact Student Health Center at 818-710-4270 to speak to one of the providers regarding your options. 

Pierce Student health center offers Plan B, birth control, health assessment, sexually transmitted infection screening, pap smears, pregnancy testing, and health education. These services are confidential. 

Fentanyl overdoses are deadly and it only takes a very small amount

Free NARCAN and Fentanyl Test Strips on campus.  

How to Get Free NARCAN on Campus

NARCAN Saves Lives: Free NARCAN on campus
Student Health Center now offers free NARCAN (naloxone), a federally approved opioid overdose reversal medication, to currently enrolled Pierce College students in recognition of the 2022 California Senate Bill 367: Student safety: opioid overdose reversal medication.

Please click here for education and how to obtain your NARCAN:

                                 NARCAN Saves Lives: Free NARCAN on campus

You may also call the health center at 818-710-4270 for more information about NARCAN and Fentanyl Test Strips.

Confidentiality Statement

All medical and personal counseling records are confidential with legal restraints. Our records are NOT part of the student's academic records. Information will not be released without the student's consent. For more information, please review the Student Health Center's Privacy Act.

Treatment of Minors

The State of California requires parental consent prior to treatment of minors, that is under the age of eighteen. There are certain situations where parental consent is not required. Please call for a confidential consultation regarding a particular issue. When parental consent is required, please download a copy of the Patient General Consent form, available as an Adobe Acrobat Portable Document format file (PDF), and have a parent or guardian sign where appropriate.

Service Area Outcomes

  • The Health Center will be utilized by students.
  • Students will utilize free psychological services, if needed.
  • Students will exhibit knowledge of behaviors that support good health, identify obstacles and challenges to achieving optimal health and devise strategies to pursue a healthy lifestyle through the following learning outcomes assessed after classroom presentations covering a variety of health related topics:
    • What is one thing you learned from the presentation?
    • What is one thing you would do differently because of the presentation?
    • What other health topics would you like to learn about?
  • Students will experience a safe, private and secure area for health services.

Faculty and Staff Corner

  • Faculty and staff are encouraged to refer students to the health center.
  • Faculty and staff are encouraged to walk students over to the health center for any urgent needs.
  • Health center providers and staff are happy to present any heath topic listed below, or topic of your choice in your classroom. Presentations are 15-30 minute long.
    • Good Health Starts Here: Health center services
    • Caring for one's mental health
    • Sexually Transmitted Infections: Education, Prevention, Treatment
    • Fentanyl Overdoses and NARCAN
    • Healthy Habits and Stress Management
    • Alcohol and Drugs: A dangerous mix

Please call the Health Center for any questions, requests and information 818-710-4270

You may also complete this form for any classroom presentation requests:

Classroom presentation request form

Contact Us

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:30AM - 7:00PM
Fridays: 8:30AM - 4:00PM
Weekend Closed

2nd Flr., Student Services Bldg.
6201 Winnetka Ave, PMB 345
Woodland Hills, CA 91371

Office Location Map


Phone: (818) 710-4270
Fax: (818) 713-8022

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