Some Students Getting into the Center

Academic Affairs Office

Academic Affairs Office


Welcome to LA Pierce College and the Office of Academic Affairs. We are the office responsible for all instructional (both credit and non-credit) and academic programs at the college, including Community Extension, PACE, Honors Transfer, Workforce and Economic Development, and the Fitness Center.

We are focused on delivering quality instruction to help advance all your educational, career, and personal goals. Pierce faculty are dedicated to helping students realize their potential, whether that’s writing an academic paper, delivering a speech, manipulating an excel file, performing a musical piece, leaping across a stage, dissecting brains, pipetting accurately, diagnosing engine problems, or soldering metals together. We give students the tools to think critically, to become self-reflective in their learning, and to realize their purpose globally.

We encourage you to explore our programs, to seek out opportunities to expand and grow, and to take full advantage of them.

Mary Jo Apigo
Vice President of Academic Affairs
(818) 719-6444

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