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The Distance Education Coordinator and PierceOnLine staff are responsible for:
Pierce Online is the department name for all things Distance Education at Pierce College. Distance Education refers to any instructors using the Learning Management System (Canvas) to either teach online or web enhance their courses. The faculty and staff in PierceOnLine are responsible for programming of all Distance Education and web-enhanced class shells – plus district files for student uploads. Additionally, they keep the Distance Education website current, train faculty in Canvas and provide support for all faculty and students via email, telephone, and appointments both on and off campus.
Pierce Online works diligently to provide students and faculty with the tools and resources required for you succeed in distance education.
procedures for online instruction. She serves as the chair of the districts Technology Policy and Planning Committee.
Prior coming to Pierce, Wendy was a professor in child development at East Los Angeles College for six years and then in 2006 became the Distance Education Coordinator at East.
Library Learning Crossroads #5161