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Library/Learning Crossroads
Woodland Hills, CA 91367

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Pierce Online Staff

The Distance Education Coordinator and PierceOnLine staff are responsible for:

Pierce Online is the department name for all things Distance Education at Pierce College. Distance Education refers to any instructors using the Learning Management System (Canvas) to either teach online or web enhance their courses. The faculty and staff in PierceOnLine are responsible for programming of all Distance Education and web-enhanced class shells – plus district files for student uploads. Additionally, they keep the Distance Education website current, train faculty in Canvas and provide support for all faculty and students via email, telephone, and appointments both on and off campus.

Pierce Online works diligently to provide students and faculty with the tools and resources required for you succeed in distance education.


Portrait of Wendy Bass-Keer

Wendy Bass-Keer

Distance Education Coordinator

Dr. Wendy Bass is the Distance Education Coordinator and Project Director of TItle V grant at Pierce College in Woodland HIlls, California. She obtained her Ph.D. in educational psychology from the University of California-Los Angeles. Her early research and publications explore early literacy, identifying and supporting children with special needs, and the importance of parent and professional support in helping children with cancer return to school.Wendy has been a passionate instructor of both traditional and online courses in psychology, education and child development since 1998, teaching in both 2-year and 4-year schools in California. As Pierce College's Distance Education Coordinator, Wendy teaches online courses while establishing campus-wide pedagogical standards and operational

procedures for online instruction. She serves as the chair of the districts Technology Policy and Planning Committee.
Prior coming to Pierce, Wendy was a professor in child development at East Los Angeles College for six years and then in 2006 became the Distance Education Coordinator at East.

Library Learning Crossroads #5161

Azita Khami

Online Technical Support Assistant

Azita Khami is an Online Technical Support Assistant at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, California. She has a bachelor in Computer Science at Tehran Azad University. Azita diagnoses and resolves routine login issues and problems related to Canvas and helps faculty and students with their questions about Canvas.

Azita has a background working as a network administrator over 10 years.

Library Learning Crossroads #5162

Portrait of Azita Khami

Portrait of Melinda Ung

Melinda M. Ung

Online Multimedia Specialist

Melinda Ung is the Online Multimedia Specialist at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, California. She obtained both her Bachelors of Fine Arts in Graphic Design and Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology from California State University, Fullerton.

Melinda has over 15 years of experience in graphic design, web design, web development, and video editing. She offers a solid background in artistic and multimedia visual communication. She designs through the development and tactical execution of initiatives that supports overall organizational strategy and goals for quality. Melinda has experience and produced numerous print publication, web application, corporate branding, video (pre, production, post) and photography.

Library Learning Crossroads #5164

Wendy Mazon

Distance Education Support Specialist

Wendy Mazon is a Distance Education (DE) Support Specialist at Los Angeles Pierce College and has been in this position since Fall 2020. During the pandemic, Wendy helped to support moving all courses online with a specialty in working with Arts, Performing Arts and Music faculty. She also helped to develop and then implement trainings on Dual Delivery at Pierce College and continues to teach several courses using OWL technology. Wendy is an advocate for Humanizing Learning and the HyFlex modality and enjoys presenting on these topics. She strongly believes that both help to serve student needs, address equity issues and support student success. Wendy is a full-time Associate Professor in Music, has an Online Teaching certificate from @One and has been a peer reviewer for them in the past as well. She holds an M.M. and D.M.A. in Music Performance from CSU, Northridge and the University of Arizona, respectively.


Portrait of Wendy Mazon

Portrait of Heather Kokorowski

Heather Kokorowski

Distance Education Support Specialist

Heather is a Distance Education Support Specialist at Pierce College as the Lead for our local Peer Online Course Review (POCR) program.Through POCR, faculty work with trained reviewers to develop their online courses to be fully accessible and inclusive, and to meet robust quality standards based on best practices in online course design. POCR-aligned courses receive a “quality-reviewed” badge that distinguishes their courses as exceptional. Heather leads webinars on effective online course design, helps faculty get their courses ready for POCR submission, and oversees the POCR process. Heather comes to us from the Physics and Planetary Sciences department where she teaches Earth Science courses (Oceanography, Geology, and Environmental Science). In her free time, she enjoys hiking, gardening, traveling, and watching her twin boys play soccer.
