What is Title IX?
Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments is a powerful tool for combating campus violence. The law requires colleges and universities receiving federal funding to combat gender-based violence and harassment, and respond to survivors’ needs in order to ensure that all students have equal access to education.
Any sexual violence or physical abuse, as defined by California law, whether committed by an employee, student, or member of the public, occurring on college-owned or controlled property, at college-sponsored or supervised functions, or related to or arising from college attendance or activity is a violation of District policies and regulations, and is subject to all applicable punishment, including criminal and/or civil prosecution and employee or student discipline procedures.
No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
What new in Title IX
The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in the U.S. Department of Education (ED) is responsible for enforcing laws prohibiting discrimination in federally assisted educational programs and activities. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities, including discrimination against pregnant and parenting parents. To know more about the law, resources, and how to advocate for pregnant and parenting students, please visit the following links:
Policy & Procedure
Los Angeles Community College District Administrative Regulation C-14: Procedures for Prohibited Discrimination, Unlawful Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Complaints.
Los Angeles Community College District Administrative Regulation C-15: Responding to Harassment Based on Sex under Title IX.
Los Angeles Community College District: Complaint Form
Los Angeles Pierce College Student Survivor Took Kit (Equal Rights Advocate 2021)
Los Angeles Pierce College Timeline and Process Description (Equal Rights Advocate 2021)
Title IX Coordinators
To address Title IX issues, LACCD and LAPC have designated a Title IX and Deputy Title IX Coordinators who are specially trained to work with individuals who report gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct and provide information about resources, support services, and procedural options.
Jason Cifra
Vice President for Student Services
Campus Title IX and Section 504/Title II Coordinator
6201 Winnetka Ave.
Woodland Hills CA 91371
(818) 710-2911
Natalie Mason-Kinsey
Title IX Coordinator
Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility
770 Wilshire Boulevard
Attention: LACCD Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Title IX Training Materials
All training materials used to train LACCD's Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators, Title IX Investigators, hearing officers, decision makers, and advisors are publicly available online on the Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion's Training Materials webpage.
Facts About Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is a crime of violence. It is estimated that more than 80 percent of all sexual assaults involve the use of weapons, or the threat of violence or death. Rapists often look for potential victims who appear weak or vulnerable; however, anyone can be a victim of a sexual assault, regardless of behavior or appearance. Rape can happen to any person, anywhere or anytime. In a significant number of cases, the rapist is known to the victim.
Rape is not just an act committed in a dark alley by an assailant the victim has never met. Most rapes occur in the victim’s home and about 60% of the victims who report their rape know their assailants. You can be aware without being afraid.
Some people believe that rapists are overcome with sexual desire or that women “ask for it” by the way they dress or act. Some people even believe that women want to be raped. These ideas assume that rape is motivated by sexual desire. IT IS NOT! Rape is a crime of violence – a hostile act – and it is motivated by the assailant’s need to hurt and humiliate the victim. It is about power. In California, any form of sexual conduct carried out upon a person, against that person’s will, is a crime. Any sexual penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete the crime of rape. P.C. 261 & 263.
Specific Forms of Sexual Violence
Dating Violence: Abuse or mistreatment that occurs in either heterosexual or same-sex relationships. It may take place at any time during the dating process – when two people first meet and become interested in one another, on their first date, during their courtship, once they have been involved with each other for some time, or after their relationship has ended.
Intimate Partner (Domestic) Violence: Physical, sexual, or psychological harm by a current or former partner or spouse. This type of violence can occur among heterosexual or same-sex couples and does not require sexual intimacy.
Rape: Unwanted, coerced and/or forced sexual penetration. The perpetrator may penetrate the victim’s vagina, mouth, or anus, either with a body part or another object. The victim may also be forced to penetrate the perpetrator’s vagina, mouth, or anus.
Sexual Harassment: Unwanted verbal sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other visual, verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment can also include stalking, voyeurism (“peeping toms”), exhibitionism/exposing, and obscene comments and phone calls. Sexual harassment can occur in the workplace, school, and other settings (such as public transportation, shopping malls, community events, social gatherings, places of worship, health care facilities) and can create an intimidating or hostile environment for the victim. The perception of the victim, not the intent of the harasser, determines whether particular words or actions are harassing.
Sexual Violation: Use of sexual contact behaviors that are unwanted by and/or harmful to another person, but do not involve penetration. This can include touching or rubbing against a non-consenting person in public (“frottage”), forced masturbation, and non-consensual touching of the breasts, buttocks, genitals, and other sexualized body parts by another person.
Hate Crimes: Hate violence as defined in the statute “means any act of physical intimidation or physical harassment, physical force or physical violence, or the threat of physical force or physical violence, that is directed against any person or group of persons because of the ethnicity, race, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or political/religious beliefs of that person or group”.
Stalking: While legal definitions of stalking vary from one jurisdiction to another, a good working definition of stalking is a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. A stalker is someone who willfully, maliciously and repeatedly follows or harasses another (victim) and who makes a credible threat with the intent to place the victim or victim’s immediate family in fear for their safety. According to California Penal Code 646.9, the victim does not have to prove that the stalker had the intent to carry out the threat.
Any sexual violence against the wishes and without the consent of the violated person, whether by a stranger or by an acquaintance, whether against a woman or a man, is a violation of the law. Consent cannot be given if the person is asleep, intoxicated, unconscious, mentally disordered, under threat of force, or for any other reason unable to communicate willingness to participate in sexual activity. Intercourse under any of these circumstances is rape.
Any person who has been the victim of sexual violence is strongly urged to report the situation as soon as possible to City Police (911) or Sheriff (818) 719-6450. Any person with information regarding sexual violence on campus should contact Sheriff or the Title IX Coordinator?as soon as possible.
AB 1088: Sexual Violence
Section 67385 of the Education Code requires that community college districts adopt and implement procedures to ensure prompt response to victims of sexual violence which occur on campus as well as providing them with information regarding treatment options and services. No community can be totally risk-free in today’s society. However, by working together, students, faculty, staff, and visitors can all help to create an atmosphere which is as safe and crime free by reporting criminal behavior to:
- Call 911
- Campus Sheriff:? 818-719-6450
- Vice President of Student Services: 818-719-6418
- Student Health Services: 818-710-4270
- Title IX Coordinator: Jason Cifra @email; (707) 864-715
Any sexual violence or physical abuse, as defined by California law, whether committed by an employee, student, or member of the public, occurring on college-owned or controlled property, at college-sponsored or supervised functions, or related to or arising from college attendance or activity is a violation of District policies and regulations, and is subject to all applicable punishment, including criminal and/or civil prosecution and employee or student discipline procedures.
Assault on Campus
The District will address the needs of the sexual assault survivor by providing a consistent, caring, and timely response when sexual assault occurs within the college community. After initial consultation, referrals for treatment will be made and ongoing support will be offered to survivors.
Any person who has been sexually assaulted is strongly encouraged to file a complaint with the LAPC Sheriff’s Department, and/or the appropriate law enforcement agency having jurisdiction. When a complaint is filed with the LAPC Sheriff’s Department and the college staff should initiate the following steps:
- Request the Student Health Services on campus to provide immediate medical attention and appropriate medical and psychological referrals.
- Provide assistance to the nearest rape treatment center.
- Notify the appropriate college personnel of the incident for further administrative action.
- The LAPC Sheriff’s Department will be responsible for conducting a thorough investigation which may include contacting other public agencies.
- Ensure that the survivor is given appropriate protection while on campus, including protection from retaliation for filing the complaint, if necessary. Such protection may include placing appropriate restrictions on the accused.
- Ask the survivor questions to assess the potential for continuing threat to the survivor and/or other members of the campus community.
To protect the privacy of the individuals involved, names will not be released by the District without their consent unless the release is essential to the health and safety of the survivor or the campus community, or to otherwise fulfill the legal obligations of the college.
Student Conduct and Discipline
Students may be expelled, suspended or placed on probation for acts committed on campus or at campus-related events. The cause for suspension and expulsion listed in California Education Code 76033 include assault, battery, or any threat of force or violence upon a student or college personnel and the willful misconduct which results in injury or death to a student or college personnel. In compliance with federal and state laws and regulations, victims of violent crimes, including sexual assault, are to be informed whenever information regarding disciplinary action taken by the college is included in a student’s file. For further information, contact the Office of Student Services, 818-719-6418.
Need Immediate Action
What to Do If You Have Been Sexually Assaulted:
- Get to a safe place.
- Call a friend or family member to be with you.
- It is advisable to report a sexual assault, even an unsuccessful attempt. The information you provide may prevent another person from being assaulted. When you report a sexual assault, any information you can remember about the attack will be helpful – the assaulter’s physical characteristics, voice, clothes, car or even an unusual smell.
- If you have been sexually assaulted, you should call the police as soon as possible; do not bathe or change your clothes. Semen, hair and material under fingernails or on your clothing all may be useful in identifying and prosecuting the assaulter. If the assault occurred on campus, call Campus Sheriffs at 818-719-6450
- It is very helpful to contact a rape treatment center, where qualified staff members may assist you in dealing with your trauma. If you are unable to make the contact yourself, have a friend, family member or police make the call.
- Finally, it is important to remember that many individuals will mistakenly blame themselves for the assault. However, being sexually assaulted is not a crime – the crime has been committed by the person who assaulted you.
What Are My Options?
What Would the Student Like to Do | Contact | Number |
Talk to Someone Confidentially | Pierce College Student Health Center Santa Monica Rape Treatment Center | (818) 710-4270 (310) 319-4000 |
Talk to Someone Off-Campus | Santa Monica Rape Treatment Center | (310) 319-4000 |
I'm Taking Online Courses | National Sexual Assault Hotline-Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) | (800) 656-HOPE (4673) |
File a Sheriff Report | Emergency Pierce Campus On-Campus: Sheriff Depart. | x4311 (818) 719-6450 |
File a Report: The Incident Involved a Pierce College Student or an Employee | “Office of Vice President Student Services” above “Human Resources” | (818) 719-6418 and (818) 710-2553 |
Talk to Someone at the District Office | Victoria Friedman | (213) 891-2125 |
Respondent: I've been Accused of Sexual Misconduct | Title IX Deputy, Jason Cifra | (818) 710-4270 |

What Is Bystander Intervention?
Bystander Intervention is a social science model that predicts that most people are unlikely to help others in certain situations. A bystander is anyone who observes an emergency or a situation that looks like someone could use some help. They must then decide if they are comfortable stepping in and offering assistance. Research has found that people tend to struggle with whether helping out is their responsibility and one of the major obstacles to intervention is something called diffusion of responsibility — which means that if several people are present, an individual is much less likely to step up and help out because he/she believes someone else will.? Other major reasons that bystanders fail to intervene are that the situation is too ambiguous, that the bystander is worried about misjudging the situation and thus will be embarrassed by intervening, or that the bystander believes the victim is in some way responsible for the situation and is thus, getting what they deserve. Bystander Intervention programs teach people to overcome their resistance to checking in and helping out. These programs have been found to be very helpful on college campuses to thwart sexual assault, abusive alcohol consumption, dorm damage, and concerns about suicide, depression and eating disorders. Have you ever stopped a friend from going home with someone when your friend was really drunk or high? ?Have you ever gotten a friend who is very drunk to Urgent Care or taken care of them for the night because you knew they were too drunk to be left alone? These are examples of your being a bystander using your power to stop violence and/or potential injury or death from alcohol poisoning.
Who Are You
Reducing the Risk of Acquaintance “Date” Rape:
- When dating someone for the first time, seriously consider doing so in a group situation or meeting?them at a public place. This will allow you to assess your date’s behavior in a relatively safe environment.
- Watch for inclinations that your date may be a controlling or dominating person who may try to control your behavior. A?person who plans all activities and makes all decisions during a date may also be inclined to dominate in a private setting.
- If the person drives and pays for all expenses,?they may think they’re?justified in using force to get “what they paid for.” If you cover some of the expenses, they may be less inclined to use this rationale to justify acting in a sexually coercive manner.
- Avoid using alcohol or other drugs when you definitely do not wish to be sexually intimate with your date. Consumption of alcohol and/or other drugs, by both victim and perpetrator, is commonly associated with acquaintance rape. Drug intoxication can both diminish your capacity to escape from an assault and reduce your date’s reluctance to engage in assaultive behavior.
- Avoid behavior that may be interpreted as “teasing.” Clearly state what you do and do not wish to do in regard to sexual contact. Such direct communication can markedly reduce a?persons inclinations to force unwanted sexual activity or to “feel led on.”
- If, despite direct communication about your intentions, your date behaves in a sexually coercive manner, you may use a “strategy of escalating forcefulness – direct refusal, vehement verbal refusal, and, if necessary, physical force.” In one study, the response rated by men as the most likely to get men to stop unwanted advances was the woman vehemently saying, “This is rape and I’m calling the cops.” If verbal protests are ineffective, reinforce your refusal with physical force such as pushing, slapping, biting, kicking, or clawing your assailant.
Break the Cycle: Empowering Youth to end Domestic Violence What to Do in a Risky Situation:
- Stay calm and think out what your options are and how safe it would be to resist.
- Say “NO” strongly. Do not smile. Do not act polite or friendly.
- Say something like “STOP IT! THIS IS RAPE!”
- If the attacker is unarmed, fight back physically. Attack the most vulnerable parts of the body. Shout FIRE and escape as soon as possible.
- If the attacker is armed, try to talk him out of continuing the assault or try passive resistance such as pretending to faint, vomit, or urinate.
Nine Ways to Stay Safe:
- Always walk briskly. Look alert and confident. Avoid carrying objects requiring the use of both arms.
- Stay away from isolated areas, day or night.
- Never walk alone when it is dark.
- If you are being followed, get away fast, change directions, and walk/run to a crowded area.
- Keep all doors to your car and residence locked at all times.
- Before you drive home, call your family, a friend, or a roommate so they will expect you and are aware if you are excessively late.
- Encourage group activities in the early stages of a relationship.
- Take a self-defense course.
- Be aware of legislation that concerns your gender and contact legislators to express your views.
Contact information for community resources for students who are victims of sexual violence
- Center for the Pacific Asian Family, Inc. | (323) 653-4045
- 543 N. Fairfax Ave., Suite 108
- Los Angeles , CA 90036
- tel: (323) 653-4045, fax: (323) 653-7913
- East Los Angeles Women's Center | (323) 526-5819
- 1255 S. Atlantic Blvd.
- Los Angeles , CA 90022
- tel: (323) 526-5819, fax: (323) 526-5822
- Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women | (213) 955-9090
- 605 West Olympic Blvd., Suite 400
- Los Angeles , CA 90015
- tel: (213) 955-9090, fax: (213) 955-9093
- Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women - Pasadena | (626) 585-9166
- 464 East Walnut Street, Suite 201
- Pasadena , CA 91101
- tel: (626) 585-9166, fax: (626) 585-0447
- Project Sister Sexual Assault Crisis Services, Inc. | (909) 623-1619
- P.O. Box 1390
- Claremont , CA 91711
- tel: (909) 623-1619, fax: (909) 622-8389
- Rape Treatment Center , UCLA Medical Center | (310) 319-4503
- 1250 Sixteenth Street
- Santa Monica , CA 90404
- tel: (310) 319-4503, fax: (310) 319-4809
- Rosa Parks Sexual Assault Crisis Center | (323) 290-4119
- 4182 S. Western Avenue
- Los Angeles , CA 90062
- tel: (323) 290-411 9, fax: (323) 296-4742
- Sexual Assault Crisis Agency | (562) 494-5046
- 1703 Termino Ave., Suite 103
- Long Beach , CA 90804
- tel: (562) 494-5046, fax: (562) 494-1741
- Sexual Assault Response Services | (661) 949-5566
- 1600 W Avenue J
- Lancaster , CA 93534
- tel: (661) 949-5566, fax: (661) 949-3940
- Valley Trauma Center - Van Nuys | (818) 886-0453
- 7116 Sofia Avenue
- Van Nuys , CA 91406
- tel: (818) 756-5330, fax: (818) 756-5443
- Valley Trauma Center - Valencia | (661) 253-1772
- 25115 Avenue Stanford, Suite 122
- Valencia , CA 91355-4819
- tel: (661) 253-1772, fax: (661) 253-2316
- YWCA of Greater LA Sexual Assault Crisis Program | (310) 763-9995
- 1600 E. Compton Blvd.
- Compton , CA 90221
- tel: (310) 763-9995, fax: (310) 763-9590
Campus, criminal, and civil consequences of committing acts of sexual violence
- Campus consequences of committing acts of sexual violence include the imposition of discipline, such as expulsion or suspension for students and termination for employees.
- Criminal consequences include imprisonment in state prison. The specific prison terms for sex crimes will depend on the factual circumstances involved. Persons convicted of sex crimes will be required to register as sex offenders, and will also be entered into an online database. The database of registered sex offenders is publicly available at the websites for the California Attorney General and the United States Department of Justice National Sex Offender Public Registry.
- U.S. Department of Justice National Sex Offender Public Registry website: http://www.nsopr.gov/
- Civil consequences of committing acts of sexual violence include possible civil actions being d against the offender, making the offender subject to restraining orders and/or potentially liable for compensatory and punitive damages to the victim.