Instructor Resources

What would I need to do to teach online at LACCD?

As approved by District Academic Senate 2020, the following guidelines qualify you to teach online at Pierce College and throughout the Los Angeles Community College District.

To be DE Certified in the LACCD, a faculty member must successfully complete two moderated courses:

  1. Introduction to Teaching with Canvas (ITC) or the equivalent and
  2. Introduction to Online Teaching and Learning (IOTL) or the equivalent.

Description of both training below:

Introduction to Teaching with Canvas (ITC): this is a 40-hour four-week moderated course This class focuses on how to use the Canvas tools to create accessible content. This multi-week course will introduce you to the beauties of using Canvas in online, hybrid, and face-to-face classes. These simple, hands-on lessons give you the chance to master Canvas in your own practice course to build a home page, content page, discussion, and quiz, while also exploring how to use Canvas communication tools.

Introduction to Online Teaching and Learning (IOTL): This is the second course (IOTL) required to be DE-certified in the LACCD. This class focuses on online teaching policies and best practices and online course design. ITC is a prerequisite for IOTL and should be completed first. Great teaching can happen anywhere, but teaching online requires different skills, strategies, and tools than in a traditional face-to-face classroom. In this multi-week course, you'll gain proficiency in the unique qualities and perspectives of masterful online teaching, including powerful ways to support the success of online students, how to lay a foundation for a productive learning community, and infusing your course with your distinctive presence. We'll walk you through the pertinent federal, state, and local regulations impacting online teaching, and set you on a path to designing success for you and your students!

Technical Support

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Mondays to Fridays: 10:00AM - 4:30PM
Saturdays and Sundays: Closed


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Fridays: 8:00AM - 5:00PM

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