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POCR at Pierce

Peer Online Course Review (POCR) is our local online course review program through which LAPC faculty work with trained reviewers to develop high-quality online classes that are engaging, inclusive, and visually appealing for students. Through the program, you are shown how to develop your course to meet quality standards that have been developed by California Virtual Campus.

We are excited to invite you to participate in our course development program!

Basic Requirements

Participation in POCR is not required for LAPC online faculty, and all DE-certified faculty are invited to participate, including full-time and adjunct faculty members.

Faculty may submit one online course per semester, pending funding and course readiness. Your course must have an approved DE Addendum, and you must have taught your class fully online (asynchronously) in Canvas for at least one term. Lastly, you must have a willingness to receive input on your course design and make adjustments based on the CVC Course Design Rubric and the POCR review team's recommendations.


There is no doubt that it takes tremendous effort and dedication to produce a POCR "quality-reviewed" class, but there are so many benefits that serve our students, and make your job as their instructor easier!

  • Data show that “quality-reviewed” courses have increased student success rates of 4.9% above the statewide average, and a 2022 study by Chaffey College revealed a 14% increase in course success rates after POCR alignment. In the same way, POCR alignment has the potential to bridge the equity gaps we have at Pierce.
  • Once aligned, your course will receive a “quality-reviewed” badge that is visible in the student search for courses in the California Community College Online Course Exchange. Badged courses rise to the top of the list, potentially increasing your enrollments.
  • POCR “quality-reviewed” courses provide an equitable, positive learning experience for our diverse student body, with 100% accessibility of all course materials that capture different learning styles and engage and support students of all backgrounds.
  • Online instructors who fully align their course through LAPC POCR earn a stipend (currently pending funding each term).
Four suited playing cards with the text Deal Me in!

Want to learn more, including how to participate? 

Please visit Los Angeles Pierce College POCR