Pierce College Tower

K-8 Students Enrollment


K-8 Dual Enrollment and Course Registration Steps

Los Angeles Pierce College provides educational enrichment opportunities to elementary and middle school students for the purpose of enrolling in advanced scholastic or vocational work. To be considered for admittance as a Special Admit, the student will need to:

Obtain the following documents and submit them SIX WEEKS prior to the beginning of the semester in which the student plans to attend to the Admissions and Records Office. Between one to two weeks before the semester starts, you will receive an invitation to be interviewed by the Special Admits Committee. If Approved, you will be enrolled in the class(es).

  1. Online Admission Application: Submit an online Admission Application
  2. K-12 Supplemental Application Form: Submit a K-12 electronic form by using the below link.

K-12 Form via Dynamic Forms

  1. Letter from Principal: A letter (on the school letterhead) from the principal stating (how in his/her opinion the student would benefit from college-level instruction) and appropriateness of requested courses for the student.
  2. Student Statement: A written statement by the student indicating the reason for wanting to enroll in college level class(es).
  3. Academic Record: A copy of the current student report card, transcript or cumulative record.

Once the student has the K-8 packet, from the LACCD email account, send an email to: @email . Type “K-8 Student” in the email subject. The student will receive further instructions on how to proceed.

The student will receiving information about the next steps to interview with the Special Admits Committee.


Enrollment Fee: Required for special full-time students $46 per unit (12 units or more), but waived for special part-time students (11 units or less)

Health Fee: Students enrolled in on-campus classes are required to pay a per semester health Fee. $11 for Spring/Fall semester and $8 for Winter/Summer sessions. Health fees are exempt for classes taken off-campus.

Representation Fee: $1 fee collected shall be expended to establish and support the operations of the student organization, with effective student representation and participation in state-level community college shared governance and with governmental affairs representatives to advocate before the Legislature and other state and local governmental entities.

Placement in English or Math courses: Students are encouraged to see a College counselor to self-assess their level of English or Math.

Prerequisites: Students are required to meet prerequisites in order to be enrolled in classes, when applicable.

Enrollment in the following Semesters/Terms:

  • If students complete the current courses with a passing grade, they can enroll in the subsequent level class within the same discipline.
  • If students are pursuing enrollment in a new course and discipline, a new process is required. The process must meet deadlines.

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Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursday: 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM
Fridays to Sundays: Closed

Virtual Service
Mondays to Thursdays: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Fridays to Sundays: 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM

*Hours subject to change.

1st floor, Student Services Building