Pierce College Campus Emergency Procedure Statement

Pierce College is committed to the safety of all the Students, Faculty, and Staff. The campus is equipped with “Blue Emergency Phones” that connect directly to the on-campus Sheriff's Station. 

The campus has developed comprehensive emergency procedures on evacuations, general safety, communications, and response to a major disaster.An emergency procedure booklet can be found in each classroom and it provides information on the following subjects: Emergency Contacts, Utility Failures, Personal & Medical Emergency, Fire, Crime in Progress, Earthquake, Explosions, Bomb Threat, Evacuation [with zone map and zone assignments], and Blue Phone Map.

Pierce has installed several methods to communicate to Students, Faculty, and Staff in the event of an emergency. Pierce College utilizes Everbridge to send messages, voice paging via the campus telephone system, and the wireless communications boxes installed in campus classrooms.

All emergency communications and the overall emergency plan for Pierce are updated on a consistent basis and tested on an annual basis.