Library Learning Crossroads Facade


Pierce Extension

 Winter-Spring 2025 Schedule is Active. View the Class Schedule here

For the most up to date information, and to register and pay for your classes, go to Online Schedule of Classes.
A parking permit is required 24/7 whenever you park on the Pierce College campus.  It is your  responsibility to obtain a parking permit before parking on campus.


The Pierce College Aquatic Center is closed until further notice.
For more information go to Pierce Aquatics

Join us on the road to life-long learning!

Pierce Extension offers a wide range of classes for everyone interested in learning. Whether you are a Pierce College student or a community member who wants to learn something new, we have you covered. 

Explore the opportunities of learning: Creating YouTube Channels, Dog Obedience Training, Yoga, Volleyball, Painting. Pierce Extension also offers enrichment classes for children of different ages.

Telephone: (818) 719-6425
Mon to Thu 10am to 4pm
Fri 9am to 1pm

2019 Daily News Readers Best Award

 Click the red button down below (Extension Classes) to view the most up to date Extension class offerings and schedules, and to register and pay for your classes.

Quick Links to classes


Auxiliary Programs


Foster and Kinship Care Education (FKCE) classes are open to all Resource (Foster) Parents, Kinship Caregivers, and anyone interested in or working with children in out-of-home care.

Visit Foster & Kinship Care

✤ Kid's College

Pierce Extension "Kid's College" hosts a variety of children-focused activities throughout the year. You can find athletics (Soccer, Swimming, Basketball, Gymnastics), STEM Science Camp, Summer Day Camp, Kid focused classes and workshops.

Visit Kid Campus Programs

✤ Workforce Ed

Experts in their fields teach Workforce Education classes. They are offered in addition to Pierce College's instructional credit program, welcoming all to join us on the road to lifelong learning.

Visit Workforce Education


General Information

Visitors please enter at the Winnetka Blvd/Calvert St. entrance. Proceed to the stop sign and turn right into lot 1.
Park in the 30-minute zone and purchase a visitor parking permit from the meter.
Parking on campus without a valid permit is prohibited and may result in a parking citation. It is YOUR responsibility to obtain a parking
For further information please call (818) 719-6425.

  • If a student elects to drop a class or transfer to another class, a request for refund/transfer must be made at least 3 working days prior to the first class or 5 working days prior to computer class unless otherwise specified. THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS, CREDITS OR TRANSFERS AFTER THIS DATE OR AFTER A CLASS HAS BEGUN. Failure to attend class does not warrant consideration for a refund, credit or transfer.
  • There is a $5, $15 or $25 drop fee per person per class when a student elects to drop or transfer to another class.
    $15 - $80 $5 per person
    $81 - $149 $15 per person
    $150 and up $25 per person
    Fun Under the Sun For more information call 818-907-8259
  • If class is canceled by LAPC Extension, you will be issued a full refund of the registration fee
  • Non-receipt of confirmation or class location or change in instructor, location, or teaching methodology does not warrant a refund. Please be sure to contact the office prior to class date/time if you have not received your confirmation or class location.

We accept DISCOVER, MASTERCARD or VISA only. Checks and cash are no longer accepted.

Pierce Extension no longer accepts checks.

Pierce Extension does not confirm mail receipts by phone. Please be sure to included a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your Registration Form if you wish your Transaction Receipt and Student Confirmation (and Parking Permit if applicable) to be mailed to you.

Because of the large volume of registrations received by this office, we do not confirm fax receipts by phone. However, please be sure to include your phone number on the registration form in the space provided should the office need to contact you for any other reason.

Please fax registrations ONLY once, as subsequent faxes cannot always be detected and will result in duplicate processing and charges.

A stamped, self-addressed business-size envelope is required for payment receipt and room location when registering by mail. If you register for a class by fax, mail or telephone and you do not receive a confirmation or the room location, it is your responsibility to call Pierce College Extension at (818) 719-6425 for that information at least 3 working days before your first class. Non-receipt of confirmation or forgetting that you registered for a class does not warrant a refund.

Times, dates, fees, locations, instructors, and methodology for classes are subject to change and DO NOT warrant a refund.

A class may be CANCELLED by the Extension office if fewer than the required minimum numbers of students enroll. Participants will be emailed and contacted by phone (if possible) and refunds will be issued as per Pierce Extension Refund/Transfer Policy. You may request to transfer to another class in lieu of a refund.

Some Community Services classes might be held off-campus. Exact locations will be provided upon registration. If location is critical, please check with our office before registering.

A parking permit is required whenever you park on the Pierce College campus, Monday through Friday. Permits are available for purchase in the Community Services Office. It is your responsibility to obtain a permit before you park on the campus. Failure to obtain a permit or to properly display the permit on your vehicle could result in a parking citation.

All persons driving a vehicle onto Pierce College campus are required to comply with the traffic laws of the State of California and the rules & regulations of California Vehicle Code. Violation of laws, rules or regulations may result in a citation.

When registering your child in an extension class, please remember that the youngster must be within the age limits identified for each class. Children will be dropped from class (without refund) if they do not meet the age requirements. If a class does not show an age range, it is most likely a class for adults. Most adult classes have a minimum age requirement of 18. If in doubt, please call the Extension Office at 818-719-6425.

Disobedient, disruptive or disorderly behavior exhibited by any student or parent of minor student will result in disciplinary action in accordance with District policies and procedures. Action may include, but is not limited to, expulsion from class or permanent expulsion from the Pierce Extension program. Parents of minor children displaying such behavior will be requested to remove their child from class. Pierce College reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason including, but not limited to, violation of LACCD Standards of Conduct as stated in Board Rules 9803 – 8905. There will be no refund for expulsion from class.

Smoking and the use of any tobacco product is prohibited at all times on all College properties, grounds and buildings within the Los Angeles Pierce College, including parking lots and within personal vehicles on College property. This regulation applies to employees, students, visitors, and other persons who enter any College property as described above.

Bring to class the items or materials specified in the class description and on your Student Confirmation. Some classes ask the students to not bring materials on the first day of class until they speak with the teacher. Check your Student Confirmation to find out if Materials Fees are included in the registration fee, or if you need to purchase them before your first day of class, or if you must wait until after the first class to purchase the materials.  If there is a material or supply list, you can get that from a link on the class description or class confirmation. You can also access the materials list in the "questions" section of our website. Allow enough time to order any required books or pick up required material before your class. You might want to make sure that your class is a-go before your purchase any materials. If in doubt, call the Extension Office at 818-719-6425.