Student Engagement & ASO

Your way to get involved in student government, campus life, and student leadership activities!

Complete the ASO Executive Board Officer Application (application is open for 2025-2026 Officer positions and closes on Friday, March 14, 2025.)

Executive Officer positions are for the academic year. 

ASO Executive Officer requirements:

  • Must attend ASO Senate meetings on Tuesdays from 1-3pm (Fall and Spring semesters).
  • Must not have more than 80 completed units.
  • Must be enrolled in at least 5 units at LAPC in Fall and Spring of the academic year.
  • Must be an ASO paid member for current semester ($7 ASO fees must be paid).
  • Not be on academic or progress probation.
  • Adhere to the requirements set forth in the ASO Constitution and By-Laws in addition to LACCD policies and Los Angeles Pierce College procedures.

Complete the ASO Senator Application
Applications for LAPC Senator will reopen in summer 2025 for the 2025-2026 academic year. 

After application, applicants will be contacted by an ASO Vice President. If you have any questions or concerns, email the ASO Vice President at

ASO Senator positions are for the academic year.

Students may only be interviewed once per academic year for the Senator position.

ASO Senator requirements:

  • Must attend ASO Senate meetings on Tuesdays from 1-3pm (Fall and Spring semesters).
  • Must not have more than 80 completed units.
  • Must be enrolled in at least 5 units at LAPC in current major term (Fall/Spring).
  • Must be an ASO paid member for current semester ($7 ASO fees must be paid).

The Associated Student Organization (ASO) located in the Library and Learning Crossroads Building in the center of campus, the Student Engagement Center is the home for Associated Students Organization (ASO), the student government body of Los Angeles Pierce College (LAPC). ASO serves as the "voice" for students, and advocates for LACCD policies and LAPC procedures to be student-centered while promoting the general welfare and morale of LAPC students. ASO is committed to representing student interests by involvement in campus participatory committees.

ASO strives to improve student life through campus and community events. By collaborating with student clubs and organizations, ASO supports student development, diversity initiatives, cultural activities, and service-learning events.

ASO is comprised of two distinct branches: The Student Senate, and The Club Council.

The Student Senate
The Student Senate is a branch of ASO/Student Government that is comprised of student representatives from academic departments at LAPC. The Senate meetings weekly on Tuesdays at 1pm.

The Club Council
The Club Council is the second branch of ASO/Student Government, and provides chartered student organizations and clubs a platform to plan and implement student-based initiatives. The Club Council is comprised of delegates from each chartered club, the Club Council President, and the ASO Advisors.

ASO Clubs are governed by LACCD Board Policies (BP 5400, 5410, 5420), the LAPC ASO Constitution, and By-Laws. 

ASO is committed to representing student interests by engaging in participatory governance. ASO student leaders attend campus participatory committees as a "voice" for all LAPC students. Learn more about these committees here

Student Engagement Center

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays 8:30AM - 4:00PM
Fridays 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Weekends: Closed

LLC Building (1st Floor)


Phone: (818) 710-4127