Online Academic Support
Many LAPC departments and programs offer online support. Included on this page are offices you might find helpful while taking online classes through the Pierce Global program.
Academic Counseling
Academic counselors provide students with information and resources so they can make informed decisions about their future. Counselors can also assist students with certain petitions like the college graduation petition.
Once you have been admitted to Pierce Global Online program, you will have the opportunity to schedule an online appointment with an academic counselor in International Student Services. International students can also use the counseling services located in other areas such as the General Counseling Office and the Transfer Center.
College Bookstore
Textbooks are available 2 - 3 weeks prior to each semester. Just click the Bookstore link above and specify the course and section number of your class to easily purchase your books online and arrange for shipping.
- Required and Recommended Textbooks
- Study Materials
- Los Angeles Pierce College Apparel
- Graduation Ceremony Regalia
Pierce’s Library is available 24/7 with online access to the library catalog, e-texts, periodicals, and even on-demand live reference assistance. Students can use the Live Chat option or make an appointment to meet with a Reference Librarian who can assist with library research, searching various academic databases and ensuring that students are using the correct format for their essays and papers.

Pierce’s Center for Academic Success (CAS) provides extensive online services including live tutoring, drop in or by appointment, online student success workshops and a Writing Lab that provides help with term papers, essays and more.
The Center also offers various free support options for English as a Second Language (ESL) students who want to practice or improve their English skills.