Guardian Scholars Program
Welcome to the Guardian Scholars Program
The Pierce College Guardian Scholars Program is an academic support program for current and former foster youth pursuing higher education. Our goal is to help students navigate college, join our Guardian Scholars community, and achieve their educational goals.
Eligibility Criteria
Students must be current or former foster youth, be enrolled in at least 1 unit at Pierce College, have financial need, and provide foster care verification. We provide assistance with obtaining foster care verification.
Guardian Scholars Services
- Help students apply to Pierce College and complete the matriculation process (assessment, orientation, and counseling)
- Meet with our dedicated counselor to develop an educational plan
- To schedule a counseling appointment with the Guardian Scholars Counselor please email us at
- Assistance with the Financial Aid and Chafee applications
- Determine eligibility for EOP&S and NextUp programs
- Referral to other support services such as Special Services, Tutoring, Bookstore, Transfer Center, etc.
- Participate in our workshops, special events, and field trips
Guardian Scholars Benefits
- Once enrolled in the Guardian Scholars Program, you can benefit from:
- Academic & Career Counseling
- Transfer Assistance
- Workshops & Special Events
- University Tours
- Community & Campus Resources
- Food Pantry & Toiletry Cabinet
- Cap & Gown
- Access to Guardian Scholars/NextUp Lounge
- Textbooks & School Supplies (based on financial need)
Where are we located: EOPS Office, Student Services Building, 2nd floor
Contact us: or 818-710-2554
California Ombudsman for Foster Care - ensures that the voice of foster children and youth is heard and act on their behalf.
Help Line 1-877-846-1602
Independent Living Program - this site is for current or former foster youth/probation youth which provides important information and resources regarding ILP/Transitional Coordinators, housing, education, living skills, employment, legal assistance and much more.
The Alliance for Children's Rights
iFoster Life changing resources for children and youth
California College Pathways - helping California's foster youth access higher education and reach their educational goals
John Burton Foundation