Students in a Library


EOP&S offers online tutoring in the following subjects:

  • English
  • E.S.L.
  • Computer Science 116 and 216
  • Math 075, 134, 215, 238, 240, 260, 261, and 262
  • Stats (Math 227, 228A and 228B)

Tutors reinforce concepts, not teach them. They can help you after you have attempted a particular assignment on your own. Take advantage of tutoring early in the semester. It is not realistic to improve your grade from a "D" to a "B" after one tutoring appointment late in the semester.

Tutoring for English

Tutors are available to help you with any paper or assignment you are working on. For help with research, please have a topic in mind so that the tutor can assist you in finding information on the Internet. English tutors will not define words or concepts for you, but they will give you the resources to help you find the information. Tutors can only give you suggestions; they cannot provide you with detailed corrections within an assignment.


EOPS Tutors are available via scheduled appointments. Same day appointments are available! Click here to schedule your appointment. 

For additional FREE tutoring services, please visit the Center for Academic Success (CAS). CAS provides tutoring in over 40 subjects!

EOP&S Office

Office Hours and Location

Fall 2023
Monday to Friday 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Los Angeles Pierce College
Student Services Bldg, 2nd Fl.
6201 Winnetka Ave.
Woodland Hills, CA 91371


Anna Aivazova
EOP&S Sr. Office Asst.
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 719-6422
