The Los Angeles Pierce College Veterans Services Office is committed to establishing a supportive environment for veterans, military students and their family members to successfully reach their educational goals. The Veterans Services Office is your liaison with the Veterans Affairs to initiate your educational benefits as well as facilitate your educational access and foster educational success by providing:

  • Academic Counseling - If you want to receive Veterans Benefits at Los Angeles Pierce College, you must meet an academic counselor designated for veterans. Please visit the Veterans Counseling website to schedule an appointment.
  • Financial aid counseling - our Veterans Certifying Officials are available to provide you with counseling on different options for financial aid programs. Please note that veterans are eligible to apply for financial aid as well as receive Veterans Benefits.
  • Financial literacy - The Financial Aid Director is available by appointment to assist you in managing your finances. To make an appointment with Jennifer Lopez, send an email to
  • Student Support services
  • Transfer information
  • Maximized veteran participation
  • Delivery of educational benefits

If you need further assistance, contact us via email at @email

Resources for Veterans

View or download a List of Resources for Pierce College Veterans, available for viewing or download as an Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format file. Includes resources such as mental health, support groups, food programs and Veterans benefits.

Vet Centers

Chatsworth Vet Center
20946 Devonshire St., Suite #101
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Phone: (818) 576-0201

Veterans Employment Center

The Veterans Employment Center on eBenefits, which was launched in April 2014 by First Lady Michelle Obama and Second Lady Dr. Jill Biden, is the first government-wide product providing job seeks the tools to translate military skills into plain language. Veterans can build a profile that can be shared instantly with public and private employers with real job opportunities.

VA Comparison Tool

This comparison tool is designed for Veterans to compare their education options, with a helpful VA guide.

Los Angeles Pierce College Veteran & Military Student Facebook Page

In an effort to further connect with our veteran and military students, we have created the Pierce College Veterans Facebook page. This Facebook page gives students an additional way to connect and provide feedback to the Los Angeles Pierce College Veterans Office. "Like" our page to receive information about upcoming events for our veteran students.

Women Veterans

The U.S. Department of Labor has developed a website devoted to Women Veterans.

To learn more about the links and information provided by this web site, please to go our web page "Website Links". To learn more about documents provided by this website and document ADA-compliance, please go to our web page "Addressing Document Compliance".

Veterans Services Office


Los Angeles Pierce College
Student Services Bldg., 1st floor
Welcome Center
6201 Winnetka Ave.
Woodland Hills, CA 91371


Curtis Smith
Email: @email