Champion for Higher Education Flyer

Los Angeles Pierce College has been named a 2021 Equity Champion of Higher Education for exemplary work in awarding Associate Degrees for Transfer (ADT) to Latinx students.

Associate Degree for Transfer Logo

Earning an AA-T or AS-T provides a number of benefits for students planning to transfer into the California State University (CSU) system, including:

Guaranteed admission into the CSU system (no guarantee to a specific campus) Allows students to use the same GE and Major Prep courses for transfer to some CSU campuses Guarantees a 60 unit (Los Angeles Pierce College) + 60 (CSU) unit pathway to CSU graduation

To get the full benefit, students must:

Apply to a CSU in a major that is deemed similar to the major at Los Angels Pierce College (LAPC) Indicate on their CSU application that they will complete the AA-T or AS-T Petition for degree verification early by making an appointment with a Counselor

AA-T or AS-T degrees are currently available in the following majors at LAPC

Degrees Degree Requirements 2 yr. Program Map CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC  
Administration of Justice AS-T Degree Requirements Administration of Justice CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Agriculture-Animal Science AS-T Degree Requirements Agriculture-Animal Science CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Agriculture-Plant Science AS-T Degree Requirements Agriculture-Plant Science CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Anthropology AA-T Degree Requirements Anthropology CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Art History AA-T Degree Requirements Art History CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Biology AS-T Degree Requirements Biology (IGETC for STEM or CSU GE for STEM Plans only) CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Business Administration 1.0 AS-T (MUST have Catalog Rights Prior to Fall 2021) Degree Requirements Archived Program - No Program Map Available CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Business Administration 2.0 AS-T Degree Requirements Business Administration CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Communication Studies 1.0 AA-T (MUST have Catalog Rights prior to Spring 2024) Degree Requirements Archived Program - No Program Map Availalbe CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC

Communication Studies 2.0 AA-T           

(Effective Spring 2024)

Degree Requirements Communication Studies 2.0 CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Early Childhood Education AS-T Degree Requirements Early Childhood Education CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Economics AA-T Degree Requirements Economics CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Elementary Teacher Education AA-T Degree Requirements Elementary Teacher Education CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
English AA-T Degree Requirements English CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Environmental Science Degree Requirements Environmental Science CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Film, Television & Electronic Media AS-T

Degree Requirements

Film, Television & Electronic Media CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Geography AA-T

Degree Requirements

Geography CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Geology AS-T

Degree Requirements

Geology CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
History AA-T

Degree Requirements

History CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Hospitality Management AS-T

Degree Requirements

Hospitality Management CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Journalism AA-T

Degree Requirements

Journalism CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Kinesiology AA-T Degree Requirements Kinesiology CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Law, Public Policy and Society AS-T Degree Requirements Law, Public Policy and Society CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Mathematics AS-T Degree Requirements Mathematics CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Music AA-T Degree Requirements Music CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Philosophy AA-T Degree Requirements Philosophy CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Physics AS-T Degree Requirements Physics (IGETC Plan only) CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Political Science AA-T Degree Requirements Political Science CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Psychology AA-T Degree Requirements Psychology CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Social Justice Studies AA-T (MUST have Catalog Rights Prior to Spring 2024) Degree Requirements Archived Program - No Program Map Available CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Social Justice Studies General AA-T (Effective Spring 2024) Degree Requirements Social Justice Studies CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Sociology AA-T Degree Requirements Sociology CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Spanish AA-T Degree Requirements Spanish CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Studio Arts AA-T Degree Requirements Studio Arts CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC
Theatre Arts AA-T Degree Requirements Theatre Arts CSU Campuses that accept this AD-T TMC

CSU Coursework Information after Transferring with an AD-T

Some CSUs may require specific major coursework from ASSIST. Check with the CSU campus for further information.

Below are CSU Campus Websites with Guidelines for Students Entering with an AD-T

That's the difference between the traditional AA/AS degrees and the new AA-T/AS-T?
The new degrees have been created in partnership between the community colleges and CSUs to try to make the transfer process as efficient as possible. In some cases the required courses are very similar, but in others there are numerous differences which can be verified at

If I have a low GPA, will earning the AA-T/AS-T help me get in to a CSU?
Completing the degree can't overcome a poor academic record, so you should still earn the best grades possible, especially if you're interested in a highly competitive major and/or campus. But the AA-T/AS-T degree will give you a slight boost in consideration at many campuses. Refer to your CSU campus website for details.

If I am admitted with an AA-T/AS-T, can I change my major once I get to the CSU?
Some schools or programs have restrictions on major changes, so don't count on it. If you are allowed to change, doing so would forfeit the 60 + 60 unit graduation guarantee.

I'm transferring to CSU but there's no AA-T/AS-T in my major (or I don't meet the requirements); should I still get a traditional AA/AS degree?
Of course! There are plenty of reasons to get a degree, especially if it's right there for the asking. And in most cases, students who meet the basic requirements for CSU admission will also meet the requirements for a General Studies degree. See a counselor to explore your options.

How do I know if my major at Los Angeles Pierce College is deemed similar to my desired major at the CSU?
Check with your counselor, the Transfer Center, or refer to the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) web site at "Degree with a Guarantee".

Los Angeles Pierce College doesn't have the AA-T or AS-T I want; can I go to another school to complete the degree?
Yes, but consult with a counselor as soon as possible – preferably before making the move. Each school has different requirements for granting degrees, including minimum numbers of units that must be earned at that school.

Can I earn an AA-T/AS-T plus the regular AA/AS degree?
Yes, if you meet the requirements for both, you may petition for both types of degrees, even in the same subject (ex: AST in Early Childhood Education plus AA in Child Development)

The ADT Commitment is the Independent California College and University sector's adaptation of the ADT pathway. While similar to the CSU ADT, there are also some differences due to the independent nature of the state's nonprofit institutions:

  • Unlike CSU, AICCU institutions are not part of a system and each campus has its own admission and graduation requirements.
  • If an ADT transfer student meets all the requirements of admission to a participating institution, admission is guaranteed to that college as opposed to a system.

The ADT Commitment is:

  • Guaranteed admission for the ADT students meeting admission requirements;
  • Guarantees a minimum of 60 semester/90 quarter units will transfer;
  • Guarantees the student starts with junior standing.

Visit the AICCU website for more information.

ADT Infographic Banner



We Know Transfer Animation



Transfer Center

Office Hours and Location

Remote Office Hours
Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 7:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

In-Person Hours*
Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed
*Subject to Change

Center will be closed:

  • MLK Day Monday: January 16th 
  • President's Weekend:
     Friday - Monday, Feb 17th -20th   
  • Spring Break:
    Thursday, March 30th – Friday, April 7th  
  • Memorial Day: Monday, May 29th 

Los Angeles Pierce College
6201 Winnetka Avenue
Woodland Hills, CA 91371


Email: @email
Phone: (818) 710-2907
Phone: (818) 710-4126


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