Veterans Checklist

  1. Apply for admissions to LA Pierce College. You MUST specify that you are a veteran on your admission application as well as provide your end of service date as indicated on your DD214.
  2. Request official transcript(s) from all of the colleges/universities you have previously attended to LA Pierce College Admissions & Records Office.

    Note: The academic counselor assigned for Veterans needs to evaluate your prior transcripts and be noted on your educational plan in order to be certified for benefits. If prior transcripts are not submitted to the college, certification of veteran's benefits may not be processed for the subsequent terms.
  3. Schedule an appointment with the Veterans Academic Counselor at the Counseling Office.
  4. Apply for your VA Benefits. Complete and print the VA 22-1990 form online at
  5. Apply for financial aid at Make sure you include LA Pierce College's federal school code (001226) on your FAFSA.
  6. Submit the following documents either via email to @email.

    Chapter 31 applicants MUST contact their VR&E counselor at the VA to have a PO# issues for LAPC. We are not able to submit your certification without the PO number.

    Chapter 33 applicants must submit a Certificate of Eligibility letter awarded by the Veterans Administration. This form is automatically sent to your home of record upon exiting the military. If you need to request an additional copy, call the VA Office in Muskogee, OK at 1-888-442-4551.

    Copy of your DD-214 (copy member-4) or NOBE (Notice of Basic Eligibility DD-2384)

    Veterans Statement of Obligation and Responsibilities Form
  7. Student Educational Plan signed by you and your Veterans Academic Counselor
  8. Veterans are encouraged to call the Education Call Center (ECC) at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) to update their information. This will ensure that veterans receive the latest email updates on monthly enrollment verification and are able to opt-in to enrollment verification by text messages. Veterans contact information for the GI Bill is separate from their contact on or in other VA systems.

  9. For more information on enrollment verification, including step-by-step instructions, a video walkthrough, and FAQs, explore the Enrollment Verification website.

Veteran's Services Office


Los Angeles Pierce College
Student Services Bldg., 1st floor
Welcome Center
6201 Winnetka Ave.
Woodland Hills, CA 91371


Curtis Smith, Certifying School Official
Email: @email