In Person Counseling Services

Proof of vaccination or results of a negative COVID test (within 72 hours of appointment) REQUIRED for all in-person services.

We highly recommend our online services if you have access to internet off campus

Schedule & Location
Open: Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am-4:00pm.
Closed: Friday-Sunday and holidays

Student Services Building- 1st Floor

In Person Counseling Services (no appointment required):

  • General Questions:
    • Prerequisite clearance (unofficial transcripts may be required)
    • English and math placement
    • College procedures and policies
    • Referrals to campus resources
    • First semester education plan
  • Campus Forms:
    • Update major, education goal, or home college
    • Unit overload petition

Other services require an appointments.

All in-person appointments require either proof of vaccination or results of a negative COVID test (within 72 hours of appointment) and completion of the Clear4 Pass (upon your arrival). Please be sure to present the required document when checking in for your appointment. Failure to provide the requested information may lead to cancelation of your "in-person" appointment.

LACCD Mask Protocol: Effective of Sunday, July 18, 2021, LACPDH Health Orders require that all persons, regardless of vaccination status, must wear masks/facial coverings at all indoor public settings. Students are subject to the District’s Student Code of Conduct for violations. Individuals who may, because of a verified medical condition, need to request an exemption from current masking or facial covering requirements at LACCD contact your campus or site ADA Coordinator for further assistance.

Counseling Center

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Fridays: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturdays and Sundays: Closed

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Fridays to Sundays: Closed

Center will be closed
Jan. 17th: Martin Luther King Day
Feb. 18th, 21st: Presidents' Day
March 31st: Cesar Chavez
April 1st-8th: Spring Break
May 30th: Memorial Day
July 4th: Independence Day

Student Services Bldg., 1st floor