

Counseling appointments can be scheduled up to one week in advance and are available year-round with limited availability during the winter and summer semesters. New appointments open every Monday through Friday at midnight for the following week.

LAPC Counselors are ready to support you in your pursuit of higher education. We assist in the development of student educational plans, discuss career and transfer options, confirm completion of associate or certificate programs, provide transcript evaluations, and discuss educational goals.

Counselors are also available to serve students in specific areas. If you are in a special program or wish to access a specialized service, please click the links below to connect:


Steps to schedule a general counseling appointment:

Counselors are divided by Career and Academic (CAP) Communities. Please remember the name of your CAP Community counselor(s) for the next step.

CAP Community
Industrial, Automotive, Technology, & Agricultural Science
  • Alan Bram
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM)
  • Lily Duong
  • Alyce Miller
Humanities, Communication, Arts, Media, Performance, & Design
  • Jeanette Madueña
  • Tara Schiavoni (on leave)
Business & Law
  • Diane Orellana
Social & Behavioral Science
  • Mita Desai
  • Jeanette Madueña
  • Wendi Meckler
  • Leslie Ann Picazo
  • Alyce Miller
  • Shelley Tadaki
  • Mary Ogtanyan
  • Paul-Anthony (PA) Quintero
  • Wendi Meckler
Outreach/New Students
  • Marcela (Marcy) Portillo
  • Wendi Meckler

If the counselor is not available, select one of the counselors below. These counselors can support students in all CAP areas:

  • Anahit Boduryan
  • Armine Papazian
  • Asma Doust
  • Breanna Dulay
  • Hegine Yakhszyan
  • Jennifer DeCaussin
  • John James
  • Judy Lam
  • Lara Conrady Wong
  • Mary Ogtanyan
  • Nahal Ghodousi
  • Rudy Dompe
  • Sunday Salter
  • Tia Beasley


Make an Appointment

*Only use Chrome or Firefox web browsers.

*Check your email for a confirmation. If you logged in with your student ID number, the confirmation is sent to your LACCD student email. The email provides direct links for accessing, rescheduling, and canceling your appointment.

Video Appointment

  • Recommended Chrome or Firefox web browsers and a desktop or laptop computer.
  • Click on the link in the confirmation email you received. Wait for the Counselor to join. Do not navigate from the webpage or the Counselor cannot contact you. 

Telephone Appointment

  • Call the phone number listed on the email confirmation you received. The Counselor will not call you.

In-Person Appointment

  • We are located on the first floor of the Student Services Building. We are located on the right side of the lobby. Check in with the front desk and let the staff member know that you are there for your appointment.
For students requesting a transcript evaluation for courses completed outside the LACCD, please be prepared to provide the necessary documentation during your appointment. Detailed instructions can be found on the Transcript Evaluation page. 

If you need help scheduling an appointment or on the day of your appointment, please call the Counseling Office at (818) 719-6440 or email @email

*Appointments open up at midnight for the next day of the next week (for example, scheduling an appointment Monday at midnight will show available appointments for Tuesday of the next week).

Counseling Center

Office Hours and Location

Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Fridays: Closed 

Mondays & Tuesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Wednesday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm

Student Services Building, 1st floor