If you are interested in being a candidate for an ASO Executive Board position for 2025-2026, the due date is Friday, March 14, 2025.

ASO Officer Position Responsibilities 

*Please note that each ASO Officer position is required to complete 6 hours of office hours per week. 

ASO President Responsibilities: 

1. The ASO President shall be the official representative of the students of LA Pierce College. The President shall represent the student body on all campus wide committees/appoint a delegate to attend in his/her stead. 

2. Shall sign into law all legislation and policy passed by the ASO Senate with which he/she concurs. Shall veto such legislation with which he/she does not concur, with the exception of Finance Committee actions, by presenting a written notice to that effect to the Clerk of the Senate and the Dean of Student Engagement. A veto action must take place within seven (7) days of adjournment of the ASO Senate.  Presidential Veto may be overridden by a (2/3) vote by ASO Senate. 

3. Shall receive all communication addressed to the ASO and report on matters of importance at meetings of the ASO Senate. 

4. Shall have the power to make appointments to fill Student Court positions within the first four (4) weeks of the semester or within two (2) weeks of a vacancy to be confirmed by two-thirds (2/3) Senate vote. 

5. Shall appoint a Sergeant at Arms. 

6. Shall serve on the ASO Budget and Finance Committee. 

7. Shall have the authority to sign and approve ASO requisitions in place of the Treasurer. 

8. Shall not have a vote in Senate. 

9. Shall have served as an ASO Senator and/or other ASO Officer position the fall prior to elections.  

10.  Shall serve a single one (1) year term.  

ASO Vice President Responsibilities: 

1. The ASO Vice President shall chair the ASO Senate. 

2. Shall only cast a vote to break a tie in the ASO Senate. 

3. Shall serve as ASO President in the event of a vacancy. 

4. Shall serve a single one (1) year term. 

5. Shall keep records of service performed by ASO Senators and oversee ASO Senators involvement with department chair. 

6. Shall oversee progress of committees. In the case that the Vice President cannot fulfill this duty, shall appoint a Director of Committees to be approved by two-thirds (2/3) Senate vote. 

7.  Shall compile, type up and post an agenda seventy-two (72) hours in advance in accordance with the Brown Act. 

8.  Must create and/or update a handbook for incoming and returning Senators. 

ASO Club Council President Responsibilities: 

1. The ASO Club Council President shall chair the Club Council. 

2. Shall cast a vote to break a tie in the Club Council. 

3. Shall coordinate and implement at least two (2) Club Days per year. 

4. Shall serve a single one (1) year term. 

5. Shall have a vote in Senate. 

6. Can amend Club Council policies which are not expressly stated in the Constitution with two-thirds (2/3) approval of Senate. 

7. Shall compile, type up and post an agenda for Club Council seventy-two (72) hours in advance in accordance with the Brown Act. 

ASO Treasurer Responsibilities: 

1. The ASO Treasurer shall have the authority vested in the office by state law and policy of the District, and such other duties and responsibilities as set forth in the Constitution and By-Laws. 

2. Shall chair the ASO Finance Committee and ASO Budget Committee. 

3. Shall be responsible for all ASO requisitions. 

4. Shall serve a single one (1) year term. 

5. Shall have a vote in Senate. 

6. Shall report on matters of importance related to finance at meetings of the ASO Senate. 

7. Shall post finance requests seventy-two (72) hours in advance in accordance with the Brown Act. 


Student Engagement Center

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays 8:30AM - 4:00PM
Fridays 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Weekends: Closed

LLC Building (1st Floor)


Phone: (818) 710-4127