Encore Catalog
Pierce Encore
Spring 2025 Class Changes
Class Changes:
27587 Vocal Class for Beginners Tortell W 2-4pm MUS 3423 Changed from
24229 M 2:30-4:30pm -
20163 The Galaxy and Beyond
AndalusDr. Dale Fields 1:30-3:30 pm Online
Class Cancelled:
10834 Basic Computer Skills for Productivity Khami M 2-4 pm Bus 3250
23720 Improvisation Camilleri Th 9:50-11:50 am 12-2 P.M. Online
27567 Improvisation Camilleri W 9:50-11:50 am 12-2 P.M. Online
24229 Vocal Class for Beginners Tortell M 2:30-4:30 pm MUS 3423
10467 Quilting Streimer W 12:50 - 2:50 pm VLGE 8330
Free Classes for Older Adults
Art • Music • Exercise • Health • Finance • Computer • Literature & More
For an appointment or to leave a message, please call (818) 710-2561.

(Select "+" to display information. Select "-" to collapse.)
Application Procedures
- New students need to complete an online application.
- Returning students are those who have been away for two main semesters (Fall/Spring) and need to complete an online application.
- Continuing Students are students actively enrolled in the current or either of the two previous semesters and can register for classes.
CCC Apply Application (Instructions to complete Noncredit or College applications)
- Noncredit application: If you live out of state and/or want to take noncredit, 0 units courses, ONLY (Encore classes included). Application video instructions.
- College application: To take both credit & noncredit classes.
- For help with the online applications, contact CCCApply at (877) 247-4836 or @email.
- Instructions for signing in to your Student Portal for the first time.
- Forgot your password? Use Microsoft Self Service Password Reset (SSPR). You need your LACCD email address.
- Password 14 Character Reset Instructions
- If you forgot your student ID number, call ENCORE (818) 710-2561.
Registration Procedures
- Registration date appointment: You can enroll anytime on or after your appointment date. Registration appointments are issued through Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD). ENCORE cannot change registration appointments.
- How to register for classes
- Check your class schedule: Enrolled classes, wait list number and dropped classes.
Permission Number
ENCORE has continuous enrollment throughout the semester. Permission numbers are required to add classes after a semester starts. Go to instructions on how to add a class with a permission number. You can email an ENCORE instructor for a permission number anytime during the semester.
Check email regularly. You will receive email from Los Angeles Pierce College (LAPC), LACCD and ENCORE instructors. Instructors will contact you through your student email address. You are encouraged to forward your student email to your personal email address.
- Access to Zoom in Canvas
- Canvas Help and Resources
- On the go - You can join your class using the Canvas app. Android | Apple
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