Major codes are used for advising and college resource purposes.


  • AA or AS = Associate Degree
  • AA-T or AS-T = Transfer Degree
  • C = Certificate of Achievement
Major Code Major Academic Outcome
050200 Accounting AA
210440 Addiction Studies AA, C
210500 Administration of Justice for Transfer AS-T
051400 Administrative Professional AA, C
010300 Agriculture Plant Science for Transfer AS-T
010100 Agriculture: General AS
085010 American Sign Language/Interpreting AA
220200 Anthropology for Transfer AA-T
020100 Architectural Technology AA, C
100200 Art AA
100100 Art History for Transfer AA-T
094800 Automotive Emission Specialist C
094800 Automotive Light Service Technician C
094800 Automotive Performance Applications C
094800 Automotive Powertrain Specialist C
094800 Automotive Service Technology AS, C
051400 Basic Computerized Accounting C
051400 Basic Internet C
051400 Basic Word Processing: Microsoft Word for Windows C
040100 Biology for Transfer AS-T
050500 Business Administration for Transfer AS-T
051400 CAOT: General Administrative AA, C
100230 Ceramic Design AA
220300 Chicano Studies AA
130500 Child Development AA
130500 Child Development: Associate Teacher C
150600 Communication Studies for Transfer AA-T
070810 Computer and Network Technology AS
051400 Computer Applications C
210500 Criminal Justice AA
490110 CSU GE Breadth Certification C
061450 Desktop Publishing C
100210 Drawing AA
130500 Early Childhood Education for Transfer AS-T
220400 Economics for Transfer AA-T
093400 Electronics and Electric Technology: Electronics AS
093400 Electronics: Analog C
093430 Electronics: Communications C
093400 Electronics: Digital C
490120 Elementary Teacher Education for Transfer AA-T
095300 Engineering Graphics and Design Technology AS, C
150100 English for Transfer AA-T
030100 Environmental Science and Technology AA
010240 Equine Science AS, C
060420 Film, Television, and Electronic Media for Transfer AS-T
010920 Floral Design and Management C
110200 French AA
010900 Gardening: Advanced C
050500 General Business AA
490310 General Studies: Arts and Humanities AA
490200 General Studies: Science, Technology, Engineering & Math AA
490100 General Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences AA
220110 General Studies: Women's Studies AA
220610 Geographic Information Systems AA, C
220600 Geography for Transfer AA-T
191400 Geology for Transfer AS-T
103000 Graphic Design AA, C
061430 Graphic Design for the Web C
220500 History for Transfer AA-T
010900 Horticulture: General AS
490110 IGETC - General Education C
130590 Infant Care Teacher C
050800 International Business C
110400 Italian AA
060200 Journalism AA
060200 Journalism for Transfer AA-T
127000 Kinesiology for Transfer AA-T
010910 Landscape Planning and Design AS
221010 Latin American Studies AA
051410 Legal Office Procedures AA, C
051410 Legal Office Skills C
050630 Management and Supervision AA
050900 Marketing AA, C
170100 Mathematics AA
170100 Mathematics for Transfer AS-T
100400 Music AA
100400 Music for Transfer AA-T
070810 Networking Technology C
095630 Numerical Control Programming AS, C
123010 Nursing AS
051400 Office Administration: Advanced Computer Applications C
051400 Office Clerical C
051400 Office Communications C
100210 Painting AA
070820 Personal Computer Service Technology C
150900 Philosophy for Transfer AA-T
060200 Photojournalism AA
190200 Physics for Transfer AS-T
220700 Political Science for Transfer AA-T
090100 Pre-Engineering AS
130540 Preschool C
130540 Preschool Director C
130540 Preschool Teacher C
010210 Pre-Veterinary Medicine AS
070710 Programming for Business AA, C
070710 Programming for Computer Science AS
060600 Public Relations AA, C
050650 Retail Management (WAFC) C
070810 Routing Technology C
130550 School Age Child Care Teacher C
100220 Sculpture AA
220130 Social Justice Studies for Transfer AA-T
220800 Sociology for Transfer AA-T
110500 Spanish AA
110500 Spanish for Transfer AA-T
100200 Studio Arts for Transfer AA-T
050210 Tax Preparation C
100600 Technical Theatre C
100700 Theater AA
100600 Theater: Costume AA
100600 Theater: Technical AA
100700 Theatre Arts for Transfer AA-T
010210 Veterinary Technology AS
070900 Web Development, Programming and Scripting C
061430 Web Site Construction and Maintenance C
070900 Website Development C

As of January 9, 2018

Major Code List

Office Hours

Mondays to Thursdays: 10:00AM - 2:00PM
Fridays to Sundays: Closed

Virtual Service
Mondays to Thursdays: 10:00AM - 5:00PM
Fridays: 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Hours subject to change.