Application Instructions

Apply to Pierce College if you have not enrolled in any of the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) colleges in the last two major semesters.

Application has two parts:

  1. Creating an Account (3 web pages)
  2. Start Application (9 web pages)

CCC Application procedure:

  1. Go to
  2. Select "Apply Online" at the top right
  3. Select "Click Here to Begin Application" button
  4. Select "Create an Account"
  5. is not required and may be declined, if declined alternative verification may be required.
  6. Select "Begin Creating My Account"
  7. If you do not wish to use your Social Security number, go to the bottom of the page. Select the box indicating you decline to use your Social Security number.
  8. Select "Continue"
  9. Create a user name and password. Record them.
  10. Select "Create My Account"
  11. Select "Continue"
  12. Educational Goal: Select "Educational Development"
    Intended Major: Select "Certificate of Completion: Workplace Success"
  13. Answer all questions. Select "Submit"

You will receive two emails.

  1. The first has your CCC ID number.
  2. The second has your student ID number (It begins with an "8" or "9").

Notes: Disregard messages requesting transcripts. Please check your e-mail spam folder.

After receiving your student ID number, you need to activate your student portal: Go to your student portal from the Pierce College main webpage and use your student ID number as your login. Select "1st time signing in" for instructions on how to set up your password for your student account.