Student Schedule

Creating the best Study Environment

Being a student is almost like a full-time job. Research has shown that for every one unit of class, you should be studying 2-3 times that many hours a week for your class.

For example:

  • English 101 (3 units) 3x2=6 OR 3x3=9 hours of studying a week for class.
  • Chemistry 60 (5 units) 5x2=10 OR 5x3=15 hours of studying a week for class.

So, if a student has the following schedule:

  • English 101 (3 units), Chemistry 60 (5 units), and Math 260 (5 units): 3+5+5= 13 units of class.
  • 15 units x 2 = 30 hours of studying a week for your classes OR 15 units x 3 = 45 hours of studying a week for your classes.

Keep this equation in mind when you are scheduling your classes and deciding on how many hours a week you want to work. Usually research has shown that if you go to school full-time (12 or more units), then you should be working part-time (20 hours a week or less). If you must work full-time (40 hours a week), then you should be taking part-time units (6 units or less).

Scheduling Help

Here is a link to an excel sheet for a weekly schedule

  • Block out the days and times you have class.
  • Block out days and times you work.
  • Block out any other responsibilities you have for example helping out at home, spiritual responsibilities, or sports.
  • Allow time for sleep and transportation to school, home, and other activities.
  • Provide yourself a buffer in your schedule, just in case things to go according to plan.

Transfer Center

Office Hours and Location

Office Hours Spring 2020
Mondays to Tuesdays: 8:00AM - 7:00PM
Wednesdays: 9:30AM - 7:00PM
Thursdays: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Los Angeles Pierce College
6201 Winnetka Avenue
Woodland Hills, CA 91371