Frequently Asked Questions

New Students

If you are a new college student who has never taken any college courses, please follow the registration steps and sign up for a New Student Counseling Group. Group Counseling provides information about academic planning, student support services, programs, and campus resources. All attendees will meet briefly with a Counselor and receive an abbreviated student educational plan (SEP) for their first semester at Pierce College.

If you have attended college before, please schedule a counseling appointment and bring your unofficial transcript from your previous colleges to the appointment. 

After seeing a counselor for recommended classes,  register online by logging to your SIS student portal. Please review the directions for a step-by-step guide on how to add classes. For further assistance, please visit the Welcome Center. 

  • Prerequisite: A course that you must have passed with a grade of a "C" or better prior to enrolling in your desired course.
  • Corequisite: A course that you must take at the same time as your desired course. 
  • Advisory: A course recommendation by the department, not a requirement. 

If you took a prerequisite or corequisite course at a school outside of the Los Angeles Community College District, you will need a prerequisite clearance

General Counselors are divided by Career and Academic (CAP) Communities. Counselors are also available to serve students in specific areas. Please review the CAP Communities and list of specialized programs to speak with a Counselor by making a counseling appointment

Registration appointments are posted on your SIS Student Portal under the "Manage Classes" tile, select "Enrollment Dates" to view your appointment date and time. 

Review the information on the Transcript Evaluation page to ensure courses are reviewed by a Counselor. 

When you send official transcripts or scores to LAPC it does not automatically clear prerequisites nor get evaluated for applicable credits. A transcript evaluation is required for non-LACCD courses. Please make a Counseling Appointment for further assistance. 

Transcripts can be sent: 

  • Electronically to: @email
  • Mailed directly to: Admissions and Records, Los Angeles Pierce College, 6201 Winnetka Avenue, Woodland Hills, CA 91371

An official score report must be sent by the exam administrator. Official  college transcripts and scores must be sent from institution to institution to be considered official. Hand-carried college transcripts/scores are not accepted by Admissions and Records.

Contact the Welcome Center to verify receipt of non-LACCD transcripts and scores.

Current Students

Counselors are divided between Career and Academic (CAP) Communities and specialized programs. Please refer to the name of your CAP Community counselor(s) or specialized program counselor to schedule your Counseling Appointment. 

Counseling appointments can be scheduled up to one week in advance and are available year-round with limited availability during the winter and summer semesters. New appointments open every Monday through Friday at midnight for the following week.

Counseling services are provided remotely via email, phone, and video appointments (Cranium Cafe) and in-person. Online appointments are 30-60 minute sessions. In-person appointments are 30 minutes sessions. 

At a minimum we recommend seeing a Counselor at least once per term. 

The Transfer Center has both a trained staff and a wealth of information available for your use including catalogs for many campuses, access to  appointments with university representatives and college tours. 

Set up a career exploration appointment with a Counselor to discover and explore various career pathways. The Career Center provides access to free self-assessments, college major, and professional resources to help students build confidence in choosing an educational and career path.

In order to have degrees awarded and noted on a transcript, students need to submit a Graduation Petition online. A Graduation Petition can be submitted directly through the SIS student portal by following these instructions.

Counseling Center

Office Hours and Location

Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Fridays: Closed 

Mondays & Tuesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Wednesday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm

Student Services Building, 1st floor