Filming Procedures Checklist

  1. Please call Administrative Services prior to scouting and taking pictures of the Los Angeles Pierce College (LAPC or "the college") campus (or "the campus") at (818) 710-2860.
  2. If you are interested in using the campus, please contact Danny Illouz, College Event and Venue Coordinator, at (818) 710-2860 or email The office will attempt to seek the necessary approvals and coordination for the requested film site locations.
  3. A Certificate of Insurance is required prior to the film date.
  4. The college will issue a Permit for Use for your signature. Both original signature and payment are required prior to the film date.
  5. Checks or money orders are made payable to: Pierce College.


Vehicles and equipment associated with filming must be parked in locations that do not block designated fire lanes or access to fire protection equipment (e.g., fire hydrants), Fire Department connections, emergency exit routes, walkways or handicapped ramps or parking spaces. When feasible, vehicles should be parked in locations that have minimal effect on pedestrian traffic. Where vehicle parking will affect pedestrian traffic, film crews will be expected to set up appropriate signage and safety barrier (e.g. cones) to alert pedestrians to potential hazards.

There is a 4-hour minimum for each officer used. All production companies are required to have college security officers present during their stay on campus. The responsibilities of these officers are to protect the college property and ensure the safety of its students, faculty, staff, and guests. It will be the responsibility of the film company to procure the services of their on-site safety officers for ensuring the safety of their personal property. The policy for minimum college security coverage is one officer for every l00 cast/crew/extras members on campus.

$1M Insurance policy with LAPC named as the certificate holder and naming the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) as also insured against liability and property damage.

Filming equipment (i.e. cameras, tracks, props, generators, and electrical cords) shall be set up in a manner that does not create safety hazards. Film crews must take steps to ensure that the placement of such equipment does not result in tripping hazards, fire hazards, blocked exits, or other safety concerns. In all cases, mats or other cable coverings must be used when cables are laid out across a walkway. Cones must be put around any production vehicles not in a marked parking space, including generator(s).

Prior approval must be given if using a lift crane or other heavy crane on concrete. If using a lift crane or other heavy crane on grass, plywood or other protective material must be laid out under the tires when driving and when parked. All cranes must be coned off with caution tape around them.

No signs permitted on fences. All temporary directional signs must be removed after the completion of the shoot.

Temporary construction shall be conducted in a fashion that shall neither damage college property nor in any way endanger faculty, staff, students, or visitor. The erection of the building facades and other construction that could impede fire lanes or otherwise affect the safety of pedestrians or building occupants must be approved by the Filming Office prior to construction.

All construction, equipment set-up, and other activities associated with filming must be conducted safely and in accordance with OSHA and LAFD (Los Angeles Fire Department) standards. As such, employees associated with the film project must apply safety procedures that will ensure their safety as well as that of college employees, students, and visitors.

The use of fire hydrants and other fire protection equipment for purposes of filming must be coordinated with Plant Facilities in advance of the project.

Facility Rental & Filming Office

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Fridays 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Los Angeles Pierce College
6201 Winnetka Ave.
Woodland Hills, CA 91371