Due to ongoing construction delays and date slippages, Los Angeles Pierce College (LAPC) is unable to commit to event requests beyond 50 days.

  • LAPC (or the "College" or "Campus") buildings and grounds may be used by citizens and outside organizations subject to the prior approval of the College with priority given to educational and civic activities. An approved LAPC Civic Center Permit or Permit for Use is required for all such activities and all applications will be reviewed for health, safety, security and other impacts to the college community.
  • Administrative Services issues all Civic Center Permits and Permits for Use. No other college department or employee may accept compensation from individuals or organizations applying for or holding a Civic Center Permit or Permit for Use.
  • Campus Facilities Requests are issued by Administrative Services for the use of facilities and grounds by LAPC employees for college sponsored educational events and activities.
  • A separate application must be completed for each event/activity conducted at LAPC. If an activity spans more than one day, the same form may be used if they are all related.
  • Applications must be received a minimum of 45 days prior to the event date for processing and approval. The college president approves all requests for events on the campus. Incomplete packets/documentation will not go forward. For example, documents with original signatures that have not been received, insurance certificates that do not name LAPC and the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) as named insured, or payments and/or deposits that have not been received, will not go forward. The applicant will be notified when their event has been given final approval.
  • If an entity desires to use the college's facilities more than 14 times in one fiscal year, then a contract is required vs. a Permit for Use. The Permit for Use is issued by the college while the contract is approved by the Board of Trustees and issued from the LACCD Office. This process takes more than a month to be issued. However, the requestor will be given a copy of the contract pending approval of the Board of Trustees. Signed contracts will be mailed to the requestor's residence from the District Office.
  • Use of campus facilities requires the permit holder to obtain their own insurance policy in the amount of $1M, naming LAPC and the LACCD as additionally insured. For long-term contracts, make sure that your current insurance policy covers you for all the contract dates. It will be the requestor's responsibility to submit a renewal policy if the contract dates overlap policies. The contract will terminate if the current insurance is not received.
  • An employee of the LACCD may not sponsor and/or promote an event on the college campus with the intent to by-pass the permit/fee process.
  • In order for the District's sophisticated computer system to accept payment, a vendor information form must be completed and submitted with your application.
  • The college does not have tables, chairs, table cloths, public address systems for rent. Use of college-owned property (vehicles, tools, ladders, etc.) may not be used due to insurance and legal liabilities.
  • Advanced advertising is not permitted until a signed permit is in place.
  • Payment is required a minimum of 14 days before an event, and is due upon receipt of permit. Some activities will require a deposit.
  • Warming or cooking food in the gym lobby is not permitted at any time, and the permit is subject to immediate cancellation/termination for any health and/or safety violation. Any external bbq, grill, open fire, and tent structures will require a separate permit issued by the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD).
  • Refunds will not be issued for any changes or cancellations to permits that have already been processed and issued to the requestor.

Facility Rental & Filming Office

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Weekends: Closed

Los Angeles Pierce College
6201 Winnetka Ave.
Woodland Hills, CA 91371