Music Students Playing Instruments


Applied Music Program (AMP)

Hello and welcome to the Pierce College Applied Music Program webpage!

The Applied Music Program (MUS 181, 182, 183 & 184) is a music program that provides individual lessons to students who successfully audition into the program. Once accepted, students receive instruction from professionals in their field who are part of the Pierce Applied Music faculty. Areas offered by the program include both classical and jazz voice, piano, guitar, all band and orchestral instruments and composition.

AMP Corequisites: Music 250 (Performance Workshop), Music 216 (Theory), Music 217 (Musicianship), and a performance ensemble approved by the AMP Director.

We encourage all students interested in majoring in music to audition for the Applied Music Program. For more information, please see below.

AMP Auditions Banner

Applications and Auditions

The deadline to submit Applied Music Program (AMP) applications for the Spring 2025 semester is Monday, 12/9/2024, 11:59 pm.

Auditions for Spring 2025 will take place Monday, 12/16/2024.

To help ensure a smooth application/audition process follow these 5 easy steps:

Read the Student Guidelines - this contains audition requirements and details about the Applied Music Program.

All vocalists are required to have an accompanist. Use this link to schedule a rehearsal time with accompanist Michelle Do. Please email your scores to ahead of time.

  1. Complete the Pierce College AMP audition application.Be sure to use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the AMP application, so the form works properly. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free if you do not have it on your device. (If the application form opens in your browser, save it as a pdf file and open with Adobe Acrobat Reader before completing it.)
  2. Email the AMP audition application to the AMP Director, Mrs. Charlotte Wilkins, at Deadline to submit Fall 2024 applications is Monday, 12/9/2024.
  3. Auditions for the Fall 2024 semester will be Monday, 12/16/2024. Audition times will be assigned.

For questions, see the AMP FAQs page or email the AMP Director, Mrs. Charlotte Wilkins at All questions are welcome. Thank you for taking the time to look at what the AMP has to offer. We look forward to seeing you at auditions!

Violinist Playing

Contact Us


Village 8340


Dr. Wendy Mazon, Music Department Chair & Music Faculty Advisor
Phone: (818) 710-2295

Village 8000

Charlotte Wilkins, Applied Music Director
Phone: (818) 336-1205