Two Students Reading on Stairs

E.S.L. Self-Placement

Credit E.S.L. - Finding Your Level

Credit E.S.L. at LAPC

The English & E.S.L. Department offers a comprehensive Credit E.S.L. Program for students whose native language is not English. Our program serves a variety of students from different language and cultural backgrounds. Our 5-level reading, writing, listening and speaking sequences prepare students for skills that are needed for both academic and professional work. We provide quality instruction and supportive student services to help students meet their personal goals online and in person.

Our classes range from low-intermediate to high-advanced and prepare students for success in English 101. Students can attend classes both in-person on our campus and online via Canvas.

ESL Placement Survey

Take the ESL Placement Survey

E.S.L. Guided Self-Placement

E.S.L. Guided Self-Placement

The Credit E.S.L. (English as a Second Language) Program at Los Angeles Pierce College prepares non-native English speakers for their future academic studies and career advancement. The Credit E.S.L. Program offers five levels from low-intermediate advanced E.S.L. in preparation for English 101. If you are a new E.S.L. student, the Guided Self-Placement (GSP) process will help you to find the appropriate level within the credit E.S.L. course sequence (E.S.L. 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 101) based on your English language proficiency. The GSP process consists of two parts:

  1. Guided Self-Placement Survey - You will answer a set of questions about your English language background and skills. (10-20 minutes)
  2. E.S.L. Writing Assessment – You will have 45 minutes to write a composition based on a writing prompt.

You can complete the GSP process online. Please see find the link below.

For students taking the GSP process online:

  • Please click on the link below to access the placement survey. Follow instructions on the survey carefully to ensure the best recommended placement.

E.S.L. Placement Survey

If you have questions about E.S.L. Guided Self-Placement (GSP), please send an email to the English and E.S.L. Department

Frequently Asked Questions


1. Who should take the E.S.L. Guided Self-Placement (GSP) process?

The E.S.L. Guided Self-Placement (GSP) process is for students who wish to take Credit E.S.L. classes at Los Angeles Pierce College. This program serves students who are not native speakers of English and who have not graduated from a U.S. high school.

If you are a non-native speaker of English who has graduated from an American high school, you should register for a transfer-level composition course: English 101.

2. I am a new student. How do I get an LACCD student ID number?

Before you take the E.S.L. Guided Self-Placement (GSP) process, you will need to obtain your LACCD student ID number. You can get a number by applying online at Apply Online webpage or by going to the Admissions Office. You can also visit the Welcome Center for assistance.

For the GSP process, it is important that you enter your correct LACCD student ID number, which starts with 88 or 9. (Do not use your driver’s license number, passport number, work identification number, etc. Using such numbers will only delay the time that you can see your placement recommendations and register for your classes.)

3. What rules must be followed during this process?

You may not use textbooks, notes, dictionaries, Google search, or your cell phone. You may also not use a grammar or spellchecker, Google Translate, or an AI program like ChatGPT.

Any form of fraud (e.g., using a false name or ID number, submitting a composition written by another person, or engaging in any other form of cheating) constitutes a violation of the Standards of Student Conduct and may result in disciplinary action.

4. I have a disability. How can I get assistance to take the GSP?

The Academic Accommodations Center (AAC) serves students with verified disabilities such as vision or hearing impairment, physical or mobility issues, mental health, learning disabilities, and more. Based on your individual needs, you may qualify for assistance in completing the Guided Self-Placement survey and writing sample. Some examples of accommodations include: a distraction-free room, Braille or large print, extended time, a wheelchair accessible testing station, screen-reading technology, provision of scribes, and permission to bring and take medication.

To qualify for OSS services, you need to contact the Academic Accommodations Center. 

5. When and how will I get the results of the Guided Self-Placement (GSP) process?

Within one week, you will receive an email from English and E.S.L. Department staff. It will give you recommended placements based off of the self-placement survey and the writing sample. The survey questions will give you a range of two courses, and the writing sample will give you one recommended level. Sometimes, this means you will have a range of three recommended courses, but most people only receive two recommended levels. For example, if your Self-Placement Level is 4-5 and your Recommended Level is 5, you may choose either Level 4 or Level 5.

In the email, you will be asked to look at the course descriptions and reading samples for each recommended level and choose the level that is best for you.

After you reply to the email from the English and E.S.L. Department staff with your decision, you will receive a form to sign and return. After that, your placement level will be entered into the SIS system, and you will be able to register for your credit E.S.L. course(s).

6. After I have completed this process, what can I do next?

You will be able to register for your credit E.S.L. course(s). The Credit E.S.L. Program at LAPC offers the following courses:

  • Writing and Grammar (E.S.L. 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, and 8)
  • Reading and Vocabulary (E.S.L. 3B, 4B, 5B, and 6B)
  • Listening and Speaking (E.S.L. 3C, 4C, 5C, and 6C)

Learn more about the Credit E.S.L. Program

You may also contact the General Counseling office to receive academic counseling, including developing your educational plan.

Learn more about the General Counseling Department

7. May I repeat the E.S.L. Guided Self-Placement (GSP) process?

The E.S.L. Guided Self-Placement (GSP) process is designed to help you achieve academic success by guiding you to the credit E.S.L. course level that best matches your English language proficiency.

Please note that E.S.L. Guided Self-Placement (GSP) is a one-time process and cannot be repeated. If you have any questions or concerns about this process or which courses you should register for, please contact: E.S.L. Professor Jamie Ray.


English & E.S.L. Department

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Fridays to Sundays: Closed

Our department is located in Faculty Offices FO2200. 


Christopher Corning, Department Chair

Jamie Ray, ESL Vice Chair

Mike Urquidez, English Vice Chair

Marcia Winiarski, Secretary
Phone: (818) 710-2878