
Why You Should Consider Chemistry At Pierce College

The Chemistry Department at LA Pierce College (LAPC) supports students in completing prerequisite requirements towards transfer to a four-year university or advancement into professional school. We have coursework articulation agreements with major universities in California, and courses completed in our department are accepted towards the completion of a bachelor’s degree or the fulfillment of prerequisites for professional schools.

LAPC students have a strong record of successfully transferring into institutions such as UCLA, UC Berkeley, CalTech, CSU Northridge, USC, UCSB, UCI, UCSD, and many more.  Our students continue to be high achievers and after completing their degrees often work towards their career goals in programs that include medicine, optometry, dentistry, chiropractic, veterinary medicine, chemical engineering, and even graduate studies in the sciences.

Chemistry Department Chair

Dr. Sara Harvey
Office: CFS 91041
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 712-2618