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Computer Applications and Hospitality Management

Computer Applications and Hospitality Management

Computer Applications & Office Technologies (CAOT)

CAOT offers courses and programs that develop skills in the latest versions of in-demand software programs such as Microsoft Office, QuickBooks, and the Adobe Creative Suite. Other courses focus on business communications and office-related skills and knowledge that are needed to succeed in a variety of administrative support positions. Build your remote professional skills with the experts in computer applications and office technologies.

Courses and programs are offered at a variety of experience levels, from beginners to experienced individuals who want to upgrade their skills and knowledge. Students become prepared to take the Microsoft Office Specialist Certification, which is available without additional cost to students taking a CAOT course.

View our Degrees and Certificate Programs offered

Hospitality Management (HOSPT)

Hospitality Management careers allow you to combine creativity and customer service with enjoyable activities that fulfill people's lives. A variety of opportunities are available in many areas:

  • Resorts and major hotels
  • Event planning
  • Notable restaurants, bars, and clubs
  • Tourism services
  • Municipal parks and recreation departments
  • Professional sporting events

View Hospitality Management Program Details

Woman in Suit
Hospitality Management Caarer path Graphic

CAOT & Hospitality

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Fridays: Please call for an appointment
Saturdays and Sundays: Closed

Office: Village 8300


Prof. Eleanor Viz, Department Chair,
Computer Applications & Hospitality Management
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 710-4411