Hospitality Management

Hospitality Management Banner Information

Hospitality Management AS-T

Upon successful completion of the Associate in Science Degree for transfer requirements, the student will have demonstrated an understanding of the hospitality industry, hotel management, and cost control in the industry. This coursework will satisfy the lower division hospitality management requirements at a California State University.

Course Number Course Name Units
HOSPT 100 Introduction to the Hospitality Management Industry 3
List A: Choose three courses from the following:
ECON 001* Principles of Economics I 3
HOSPT 120 Hospitality Cost Control 3
HOSPT 140 Introduction to Hotel Management 3
List B: Choose two courses from the following:
Any course from List A not already used
ACCTG 001 Introductory Accounting I 5
CAOT 082 Microcomputer Software Survey in the Office 3
Math 227* Statistics 4
Math 228B* Statistics Pathway Part II 5
Stat 101* Statistics for the Social Sciences
(All of these math courses also count toward General Education requirements)
  Major-Total Units 19-22

CAOT & Hospitality

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Fridays: Please call for an appointment
Saturdays and Sundays: Closed

Office: Village 8300


Prof. Eleanor Viz, Department Chair,
Computer Applications & Hospitality Management
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 710-4411