Equine Science Certificate of Achievement
This is a 29-unit program in Horse Science that provides in-depth course work and hands-on experience for students who wish to work in the horse industry. Completion of the Certificate will provide entry-level employment opportunities in Stable/Ranch Management, Horse Training, Veterinary Assisting, Riding Instruction, Horse Care/Grooming, Event Management, and Horse Industry Retail Sales. Instruction emphasizes hands-on experience and includes horse husbandry, handling, riding and training as well as event planning and facility management and maintenance.
Gainful Employment
To find information about the careers for which this certificate prepares you, the costs associated with the program, median debt accumulated by students completing the program, and time to completion, please review the Gainful Employment Disclosure.
Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, students will:
Provide horses with the care and feeding recommended by experts and accepted by industry.
- Work with horses safely, effectively and efficiently both on ground and under saddle.
- Maintain equestrian facilities in a manner consistent with industry standards.
- Use current best-practices in the operation of a horse-industry business.
Certificate - Required courses
- ANML SC 601: Horse Production (3 units)
- ANML SC 602: Horse Husbandry (3 units)
- ANML SC 603A: Equine Management Techniques (2 units)
- ANML SC 603B: Equine Management Techniques (2 units)
- ANML SC 620: Basic Equitation (1 unit)
- ANML SC 621: Horseback Riding Laboratory (1 unit)
- ANML SC 630: Beginning Equine Training (2 units)
- ANML SC 650: Equine Health and First Aid (2 units)
Certificate - Elective courses
Certificate - Total Units 28-34
- ANML SC 185: Directed Study-Animal Science (1 unit)
- ANML SC 285: Directed Study-Animal Science (2 units)
- ANML SC 385: Directed Study-Animal Science (3 units)
- ANML SC 596A: Agricultural Enterprise Projects (1 unit)
- ANML SC 596B: Agricultural Enterprise Projects (2 units)
- ANML SC 596C: Agricultural Enterprise Projects (3 units)
- ANML SC 596D: Agricultural Enterprise Projects (4 units)
- ANML SC 603C: Equine Management Techniques (2 units)
- ANML SC 603D: Equine Management Techniques (2 units)
- ANML SC 604: Equine Facility Management (2 units)
- ANML SC 616: Horse Show Activities (2 units)
- ANML SC 622: Horse Back Riding Laboratory–Intermediate (1 unit)
- ANML SC 623: Horseback Riding Laboratory–Advanced (1 unit)
- ANML SC 631: Advanced Equine Training (2 units)
- ANML SC 640: Horseshow Organization and Management (2 units)
- BUS 1: Introduction to Business (3 units)
- CAOT 32: Business Communications (3 units)
- CAOT 78: Microcomputer Accounting Applications for the Electronic Office (3 units)
- CAOT 85: Microcomputer Office Applications: Spreadsheet (3 units)
- CAOT 97: Internet for Business (3 units)
- MARKET 1: Principles of Selling (3 units)
- MGMT 13: Small Business Entrepreneurship (3 units)
- ANML SC 501: Principles of Animal Science (3 units)
- ANML SC 505: Animal Nutrition (3 units)
- ANML SC 510: Animal Health and Disease Control (3 units)
- ANML SC 511: Anatomy and Physiology of Animals (3 units)
- ANML SC 512: Anatomy and Physiology of Animals Laboratory (1 unit)
- COMM 101: Public Speaking (3 units)
- COMM 121: Interpersonal Communication (3 units)
- COMM 122: Intercultural Communication (3 units)
- COMM 151: Small Group Communication (3 units)
- JOURNAL 100: Social Values in Mass Communication (3 units)
- PHOTO 9: Introduction to Cameras and Composition (3 units)
- PHOTO 20: Beginning Photojournalism (4 units)
- PHOTO 101: Beginning Digital Photography (3 units)
- PLNT SC 103: Introduction to Soil Science (3 units)
- SPANISH 2: Elementary Spanish II (5 units)
- SPANISH 35: Spanish for Spanish Speakers I (5 units)