Two Women Students Laughing


Political Science

Political science is a social science concerned chiefly with the description and analysis of political and especially governmental institutions and processes. As Dr. David Easton said: "politics is the authoritative allocation of values." How we decide to allocate our values tells us much about who we are and what we value as a country. Political science subfields include: American government, political theory/philosophy, political psychology, political ideology, political economy, policy studies and analysis, comparative politics, international relations, and a host of related fields. Political scientists use both humanistic and scientific perspectives and tools and a variety of methodological approaches to examine the processes, systems, and political dynamics of all countries and regions of the world.

Why Study Political Science?

Politics is part of your life, even if you're not interested in it. Understanding political science is essential to understanding laws that govern your life every single day, bureaucracies, schools, streets, education, war, Supreme Court decisions that last past your own lifetime and much more. As lawyer and political activist Ralph Nader once said: "Turn onto politics or politics will turn on you." Are you interested in American politics? International affairs? Critical issues such as health, the environment, civil rights? Theories concerning the ideal government and how power and resources are allocated in society? Do you want to study these subjects and pursue a career based on your interest? Do you want to be a lawyer? Or run for office some day? Do you want to make a difference in the world? If so, you should consider studying political science.

Political science students will gain a versatile set of skills that can be applied in a wide range of exciting careers in federal, state and local governments; law; business; international organizations; nonprofit associations and organizations; campaign management and polling; journalism; electoral politics; research and university and college teaching. Consider getting a Political Science Transfer Degree. You can get priority enrollment at a CSU after completing the coursework, and you will enter as a junior. Click on political science here:


  • Anthony Gabrielli
  • Kassem Nabulsi
  • Denise Robb
  • Thomas Klein

Adjunct Faculty

  • Jerrold Gable
  • James Dawson
  • Kathleen Holland
  • Ybonne Torres
  • Anthony Fernandez
  • Helen Goffas
  • Edwin Jones
  • Mark Levick
  • David Uranga

Political Science


Kaycea Campbell
Department Chair
Phone: (818) 710-4134