Electronic Courses
Core Courses
Students study electronics fundamentals such as Atomic theory, voltage, resistance, current, energy and power, Ohm's law, series-parallel circuits, voltage and current dividers. Students study the Network theorems and applications of Kirchhoff's laws. Students learn about voltage and current sources, conductors, resistors, batteries, magnetism, D.C. characteristics of capacitors and inductors. Students learn how to use computer simulation tools to do schematic capture and circuit analysis.
In this course, students will deal with construction of basic DC circuits for the study of Ohm's law, series and parallel, network theorems including Kirchhoffs Law, superposition, mesh, Thevenin's and Norton's. Wiring practice from schematics. Use of laboratory instruments including analog and digital multimeters and power supplies. Computer aided schematic entry and circuit analysis.
Students will study alternating current theory and applications such as AC waveforms, reactance, impedance, resonance, transformers, quality factor, magnetism, coupling, and filters. Emphasize the solution of alternating current circuit problems.
Students will practice laboratory applications of the theories presented in Electronics 6A. Experiments are performed to study alternating current parameters and components including capacitance, inductance, reactance, resonance, filters and transformers. Students will use oscilloscopes, function generators, other lab instruments, and computer aided circuit analysis.
Students will learn principles of semiconductors including diodes, bipolar and field effect transistors, SCR's, tunnel diodes, light emitting diodes, photo-transistors, DIACs, TRIACs, Zener diodes, UJT's, tubes, Characteristic curves for semiconductor devices, Biasing and load lines, Common emitter, collector, and base transistor configurations, Sample applications of semiconductor devices, Computer aided circuit analysis.
The student will be introduced to computer aided drafting as applied to electronics. The student will use CAD programs to draw schematic symbols and diagrams, flow charts, block diagrams, highway and logic diagrams. The student will be presented and use methods for printed circuit board design and layout. Students will be introduced to assembly and construction drawings. Students will use schematic capture using PSPICE. Students will be introduced to printed circuit board design computer programs.
Students will utilize laboratory experience analyzing characteristics and applications of solid state electron devices and the use of test equipment including multimeter, oscilloscope, function generator, and DC power supply. Students will focus on constructing, testing, analyzing, and troubleshooting a variety of circuits using semiconductor devices, including diodes and transistors. Students will use computer simulation tools (such as Pspice and Multisim) to design, construct and simulate different solid state devices circuits and their applications.
Requires the student, after consultation with the instructor, to assemble, test, and document the characteristics of an electronic system while following a specified time schedule. A report covering the theory of operation and test procedures is required. The student will provide all materials and do all research without direct supervision. Time and resource management is emphasized.
Analog Courses
Students will construct, examine and analyze power supplies, AC and DC amplifiers, push-pull amplifiers, complementary symmetry, and phase splitters. Students will examine and perform analysis of distortion in amplifiers. Class A, B, and C amplifiers and oscillators. Multistage and large signal amplifiers. Students will analyze characteristics of feedback, input and output impedance, and frequency response. Students will perform analysis of computer circuits.
Students work in a laboratory environment with linear and switching power supplies, AC and DC and multistage amplifiers, push-pull and complementary symmetry. Students construct and test class A, B, and C amplifiers and oscillators, apply laboratory circuit construction and troubleshooting techniques, and use aided circuit analysis.
Students will learn about theory and applications of linear and linear/digital integrated circuits with emphasis on operational amplifiers. DC parameters, input/output impedance, input offset/bias current, CMRR, open and closed loop gain. Frequency response, voltage regulators, audio frequency amplifiers, oscillators, filters and mixers. Differential amplifiers and phase lock loops. Applications and CAD circuit analysis.
Students will obtain a laboratory applications of linear and linear/digital integrated circuits with emphasis on operational amplifiers. DC parameters, input/output impedance, input offset/bias current, CMRR, open and closed loop gain. Frequency response, voltage regulators, audio frequency amplifiers, oscillators, filters and mixers. Differential amplifiers and phase lock loops. Applications and CAD circuit analysis.
Digital Courses
Students will obtain a comprehensive study of Digital number systems, Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, Combinational systems including gates, adders, encoders, decoders, code converters, display drivers, multiplexers, Sequential circuits including flip flops, mono-stable, multi-vibrators, counters, registers, and timers. Students will learn about Synchronous sequential design, transition tables, timing diagrams and Memory systems. Students will analyze, design and practice digital circuits using multiple Computer aided circuit analysis.
Students will practice in bread boarding and troubleshooting digital circuits using integrated circuits. Students will construct and test the circuits using logic gates, flip-flops, memories, counters, registers, synchronous sequential designs, and digital displays. Students will learn how to use manufacturer's data sheets.
Students will obtain a comprehensive study of a representative microprocessor, with an emphasis on the internal architecture, instruction set, and timing and support chips. Students will learn the fundamentals of micro and macro programming, input and output control, interfacing, and machine language programming techniques. Students will be expose to practice many programming examples and control applications such as A/D and D/A conversion.
Students will program a representative microprocessor, with an emphasis on the internal architecture, instruction set, and timing and support chips. Students will learn the fundamentals of macro programming, input and output control, interfacing, and machine language programming techniques. Students will learn and practice several programming examples.
Students will obtain a comprehensive study of PLC programming with an emphasis on the ladder logic, and the inner workings of a standard HMI (Human-Machine Interface). Students will study PLC programming for Industrial Processes, general controls, digital and analog IO, alarm / notification handling, counters/Timers Using the Rockwell software RSLogix 500.
Communications Courses
Students will be presented and study concepts of modulating and demodulating a RF carrier including AM,SSB, FM, and PM. Students will study RF transmitters and receivers and their sub-circuits, including RF filters, amplifiers, oscillators, modulators, mixers, detectors and discriminators, frequency multipliers, phase locked loop detectors and synthesizers. Students will study TV systems, digital Communications, FSK and PSK, and signals in the frequency and time domains.
This class is for the student to gain laboratory experience for Electronics 44. Students will construct and analyze communications circuits including oscillators, modulators, filters, IF amplifiers, TV systems, digital communications systems and modems. Students will connect and use communications test equipment, including signal generator, oscilloscope, FFT spectrum analyzer.
Students learn and analyze Microwave signals and their applications. Calculate Power density and RF safety. Analyze Electromagnetic waves and propagation. Design Antennas: Dipole, vertical. Learn Transmission lines: Characteristics, principles and analysis. Practice the Use of Smith Chart. Calculate VSWR, return loss, and reflection coefficient. Learn and Analyze Stubs and tuners, waveguides, modes. Learn and analyze Microwave signal generation, amplifiers, and Microwave components operation.
Students practice performing microwave measurements and instrumentation using VSWR and power meters, spectrum analyzers, swept frequency systems and plotters. Students Calculate, measure and analyze VSWR, reflection coefficient, load impedance, power, frequency, and attenuation.
Students learn the theory of circuit analysis and practice its application to areas of importance in electrical analysis in time and frequency domains, transient, and steady state solutions. Topics include linear circuit analysis techniques, Kirchhoff's Laws, Network Theorems, mesh and nodal analysis, OP amps and amplifiers, Thevenin/Norton equivalents circuits, natural-forced-complete response of RLC circuits and Laplace Transforms. Introduction to AC circuits, phasors, three phase power, and frequency response and resonance. The laboratory includes experimental verification of the laws of AC and DC circuits, Kirchhoff's laws, and Thevenin's theorem using instruments such as multimeter, oscilloscopes, and signal generators.
Contact Us
Fayez Nima
Electronics Professor
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 710-2224
Farahnaz Nezhad
Electronics Professor
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 719-6480
Lilach Farhy
Electronics Lab Tech
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 710-4433