Los Angeles Pierce College has one of the highest transfer rates to UCLA in California!

Are you Interested in transferring to UCLA or other top-tier universities?


CCCP Peer Advisors are available to meet with you, stop by the Pierce Transfer Zoom Lounge see availability HERE 

Enter Zoom Lounge

For questions, contact our office at (310) 267-4445 during office hours (M-F 9 AM-6 PM) or anytime by email at @email.

We look forward to being part of your transfer journey. Power to the Transfer!

*Concurrently enrolled high school students are not eligible for the program.

LAPC has partnered with UCLA Center for Community College Partnerships to increase the transfer rates and success of underserved community college students.* Through our year-long CCCP Scholars Program, UCLA staff and Peer Advisors motivate, inform, and prepare community college students to transfer to selective top-tier research institutions, such as UCLA. Students selected to participate in the CCCP Scholars Program will benefit from the following:

  • Participate in a commuter or residential Summer Intensive Transfer Experience (SITE) at UCLA
  • Individual appointments with UCLA transfer peer advisors
  • Networking opportunities
  • Attend three Saturday Academies at UCLA to learn about resources at the community college and the UC system
  • Learn how to effectively apply to scholarships
  • Receive emotional and academic support in the transfer process
  • Personalized UC application review

In order to take advantage of this opportunity, you will need do the following:

  1. Complete the CCCP Scholar UCLA CCCP Application
  2. Creation/Update of online UC Transfer Admission Planner (UC TAP)
  3. Participate in one of CCCP Power to the Transfer Summer Activities. You can find that information at the following website: https://www.aap.ucla.edu/units/cccp/

  1. One-year commitment summer 23 through spring 24
  2. Attend one of the required summer 23 activities
  3. Attend at least one CCCP sponsored activity each quarter
  4. Make a few contacts with a Peer Advisor each quarter
  5. Maintain enrollment at Pierce College
  6. Research & apply for at least one scholarship
  7. Update academic progress each term in UC TAP

*Concurrently enrolled high school students are not eligible for the program.



Transfer Center



Email: @email
Phone: (818) 710-2907
Phone: (818) 710-4126

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