Registration Priority FAQs


Loss of Registration Priority Questions

Students are given a registration appointment date that provides the earliest date they may register for classes. The appointment received is based on the student's priority registration status. Priority registration is given to student who complete orientation, assessment, and create an educational plan.

Priority registration is lost when students have been on academic or progress probation for two consecutive semesters or when they accrue more than 100 completed units of degree applicable courses at LAPC.

A student is place on academic probation when they have attempted at least 12 semester units and earn a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0. Priority registration is lost when a student is place on probation for the second consecutive semester.

A student is place on progress probation hen a student has enrolled in at least 12 units and the percentage of all units in which entries of W (withdrawals), I (incompletes), and NP (no pass) reaches or exceeds 50%.

Students who accumulate more than 100 degree applicable units will lose priority registration for the next registration opportunity.

Yes, this is a new law which all community colleges in California must follow.

No, enrollment priority is not lost unless you have either reached the 100 unit limit or you have been placed on academic probation for two consecutive semesters.

No. Only degree applicable units earned at LAPC (including other LACCD colleges) count towards the 100 unit limitation.

No. The 100 unit limit applies only to the units you have earned. Withdrawals (W's) do not count towards the 100 units.

Units currently in progress are not counted if they have not been "earned" or completed at the time that you will be eligible to register for the next semester. For short-term classes, units are posted before the end of the term and will apply toward the 100 units.

An appeal process is available for all student who lose enrollment priority due to extenuating circumstance that can be verified (verified documented accidents, illness, or other circumstance beyond the student's control).

Students who have lost priority registration and BOG Fee Waiver will be contacted via email and informed of the appeal process. All communications to the student will take place via a student's LACCD email account. Students should contact the Admissions and Records Office at LAPC for information on when the petition is due.

A registration priority can be restored when the student has returned to good standing. A priority loss which occurs after a student accumulates more than 100 units may only be restored upon the petition process.

Counseling Department

Office Location

Student Services Bldg., 1st Fl.