About Umoja

Umoja is a Kiswahili word meaning unity. The Umoja program is an academic learning community and resource dedicated to enhancing the cultural and educational experiences of African American students and others. Umoja advances academic excellence, community building, and student leadership as its program goals.
Students will enroll in a yearlong program, where they will take linked classes by Umoja trained professors. Other program participants may not be enrolled in Umoja cohort classes but will participate in program activities and utilized services sponsored by the program. The Umoja community will allow for strong bonds to be developed by students, professors, mentors, and counselors.
Program Criteria
- Students must complete a Umoja application to become affiliated with the program.
Once accepted into the program, a Umoja student is identified as an incoming, returning, and continuing Pierce student that meets the following criteria:
- Is enrolled in the current academic term
- Has attended at least one counseling appointment (each semester) with a Umoja counselor
- Is enrolled in or has been enrolled in a Umoja learning community course or Umoja-friendly course(s)
- Has utilized Umoja-sponsored resources or academic support services (e.g. Umoja tutoring, laptop loan, calculator loan, lending library, Umoja Village).
- Is participating or has participated in at least two of the following educational/cultural activities (e.g. Umoja Kickoff, Umoja events, workshops, leadership activities, Umoja club; or HBCU, UC, CSU, and other college tours).
- Demonstrates a commitment to academic success by maintaining a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA at the end of each academic year.
- Demonstrates attitudes and behaviors that promote Black excellence.
Program Services
Learning Community Classes
Summer 2021
Counseling 40: College Success Seminar
Communication 101: Public Speaking
Fall 2021
English 101: College Reading and Composition
History 42: African American History in the United States
Math 227: Statistics
Spring 2022
Communication 101: Public Speaking
Sociology 11: Race and Ethnic Relations
English 102: College Reading and Composition II