
Mission Statement

Our goal is to help students clarify their goals, realistically evaluate their own strengths and challenges, and learn to develop their planning skills to achieve their goals. The Counselors at Los Angeles Pierce College (LAPC) are trained in educational planning, career planning and personal counseling. We recognize that this is a process and doesn't happen in one visit.

Counseling Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)

The Counseling Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) are based on the individual counseling appointments in the General Counseling Office. Students come with differing levels of goal definition, a wide range of academic preparation, specificity in their requests, and different levels of understanding about the system.

Here is what we hope to accomplish with students, depending on their circumstances:

  • Students will be able to evaluate academic options and make informed decisions on appropriate classes to take each semester.
  • Students on Probation will learn success strategies after meeting with a counselor that will assist them in making satisfactory academic progress.



CAP Community Counselor(s)
Industrial, Automotive, Technology, & Agricultural Science
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM)
Humanities, Communication, Arts, Media, Performance, & Design
Business & Law *Fluent in Spanish
Social & Behavioral Science
Outreach/New Students


The Counseling Department offers the following courses: Counsel 1, Counsel 8, Counsel 20, Counsel 22, and  Counsel 40. 

Counseling Center

Office Hours and Location

Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Fridays: Closed 

Mondays & Tuesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Wednesday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm

Student Services Building, 1st floor