Career Counseling

The Los Angeles Pierce College (LAPC) Career Center offers individual career counseling to assist students clarifying interests, values and goals to plan a meaningful career path. You must be a currently enrolled students to be eligible for individual career counseling.

Make a Career Exploration Appt.


Career Planning Classes

Counseling 4: Career Planning (1 unit; CSU transferable)
This 8 week course is designed to give undecided students an understanding of the career planning process. It includes vocational tests, various self appraisal techniques, and information regarding occupational characteristics, trends, and entry level requirements. Teaches career planning skills and allows the student to work toward a career choice.

Counseling 8: Career Planning and Development (2 units; CSU transferable)
This 8 week course teaches the process of career planning. The emphasis is on learning about yourself and the world of work and how to use this information in career planning. This course also acquaints the students with college services, personnel, curricula, and student activities. This course is available online during select semesters.

Counseling 20: The Scope of Career Planning (3 units; UC/CSU transferable)
This Course introduces students to the role of higher education in society and to their role as students. Students explore personal attributes needed for college success, critical thinking and effective study strategies, relating to others in a diverse world, the career planning and decision making process, and transfer and educational planning. This course will also provide students with an overview of campus resources and policies.

Explore Careers and Majors

Gain Self-Knowledge

Consider using the online assessments as tools to explore how your interests, skills, personality and values align with major and career

  • Eureka, the California Career Information System (Use site code: TSGEYKW)
    • MicroSkills: Identifies occupations based on skills you have and value in a job
    • Occ-U-Sort: Sorts occupations based on job tasks you identify as positive or negative
  • California Career Zone
    • Interest Profiler: Identifies occupations based on your interests
    • Work Importance Profiler: Identifies occupations based on what you feel is important to you in a job and/or work setting
  • My Next Move
    • Interest Profiler: Identifies occupations based on your interests and level of education desired
    • Connects to the Occupational Handbook Online: ONET
  • The following career assessments are only administered by a career counselor:
    • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
    • Strong Interest Inventory
    • Values Card Sort
    • Motivated Skills Card Sort
    • Vista life/Career Cards

You must be an enrolled student at Los Angeles Pierce College to use our services at the Career Center.

If you are looking for a job, and have been enrolled in a class for at least one semester, you are pre-registered and simply need to activate your account by entering your LACCD student ID number (starts with 88 or 900) and personal email address with our online job board, Brahma Jobs. Instructions to activate your Brahma Jobs account can be found on the Brahma Job Search page.

If you are a brand new student, and this is your first semester, use Brahma Jobs to create a new account and follow the instructions. 

The career center has many resources to help you begin exploring what major is best for you:

  • The counseling department offers Classes and Workshops that can help you with choosing a major and career path.
  • If you are still confused about your major or job after the self-directed search, then you can make an appointment with a Career Counselor.

No, unfortunately the books and materials in the center need to stay in the center, but you are welcome to use the materials whenever the center is open. Also, there are many Online Resources that you can use from the comfort of your home.

You can use Eureka, California Career Zone, and California Occupational Guide, including professional associations, to learn more about specific occupations. We also have lots of print resources in the Career Center with this kind of information.

We offer assessments that help you discover your interests, values, and skills and how they apply to the world of work. We have self-assessments that you can do on your own and we also offer more in-depth assessments as part of Career Counseling. A career counselor can assess and administer an assessment that is right for you during a career counseling appointment. Just select CAREER EXPLORATION for the type of counseling appointment.