Prerequisite clearance for Courses completed outside the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD), please bring a transcript showing the course with the passing grade of C or better to the Counseling Office.

A student may challenge a prerequisite or corequisite. The reasons for seeking a challenge may include one or more of the following:

  1. A prerequisite is not reasonably available;
  2. The student believes the prerequisite is not valid or necessary for the success in the course for which it is required;
  3. The student believes the prerequisite is discriminatory or being applied in a discriminatory manner;
  4. The student has the documented knowledge or ability to succeed in the course without meeting the prerequisite;
  5. The student believes it to be unfounded that he or she might cause a health or safety hazard.

For all discipline prerequisite challenges (math, English etc.) except for Chemistry, please contact the respective department directly and request to speak with the Department Advisor. Do not submit a prerequisite challenge form prior to speaking with the department. If the department adjusts your placement, they will complete the challenge form with you. The department chair will email the completed prerequisite challenge form to the Assessment Center so we can adjust the Student Information System.

For the Chemistry Challenge Process, please go to the Chemistry Challenge Process web page.

Office Information


Email: @email