Student Services Building

Student Complaint Process

Los Angeles Pierce College is committed to ensuring an educational environment conducive to supporting student success that emphasize respectful communication to resolve student concerns and complaints in accordance with Los Angeles Community College board rules and administrative regulation.

Types of Complaints

Gender Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and/Violence (Title IX) AND Unlawful Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (DHR) complaints

Los Angeles Community College District strive to provide a safe educational, employment and business environment free from Prohibited Discrimination, Unlawful Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct, as defined in the Administrative Regulations associated with this policy. Employees, students, or other persons acting on behalf of the District who engage in Prohibited Discrimination, Unlawful Harassment, or Sexual Misconduct as defined in the Administrative Regulations related to this policy or by state or federal law shall be subject to discipline, up to and including discharge, expulsion, or termination of contract.

Investigation of all complaints alleging violations of this Chapter shall be conducted under the auspices of the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Implementation of temporary, interim sanctions shall be overseen by the Title IX Campus Coordinator for Los Angeles Pierce College, with the advice and consent of relevant administrators.

For more information and how to report, click here.

Academic Accommodation (Section 504/ADA)

If a student who has been determined to be eligible for accommodation services (under Title 5, Section 56026) believes that the college is not providing support services and/or academic accommodations, and the matter cannot be resolved informally, the student may file a complaint, with the Office of the Vice President of Student Services by emailing @email.

Grade Grievance

The student grievance procedure is designed to provide a prompt and equitable means for resolving student grievances, including but not limited to the grading process. The grievance procedure may be initiated by a student or group of students who reasonably believe that they have been subject to unjust action or denied rights that adversely affect their status, rights, or privileges as a student. Review detailed information about the grade grievance process.

Prior to filing a grade grievance, students should follow these steps:

Contact your instructor. If you cannot reach the instructor, contact the department chair of the faculty member. If you cannot contact the department chair, contact the department’s Dean. Visit the list of Academic Deans.

If your grade matter has not been resolved at these levels, you are entitled to file a Statement of Grievance with the Grade Grievance Officer. Read LACCD Administrative Regulation E-55 (Student Grievance Procedures) to understand the grade grievance process.

Go back through your course materials and retrieve the following written materials:

  • Course outline
  • All graded papers/quizzes/exams and/or graded scantrons
  • Any email communications with the instructor, department chairperson and/or area dean regarding the grade dispute or coursework
  • Any other written material you deem relevant towards proving your claim

Collect all materials from Steps 3 and 4. Contact the college ombudsperson to submit grievance forms at Dr. Genice Sacedo-Magruder at @email.

General Grievances/Complaints (i.e. employee behavior, services, etc.)

Los Angeles Pierce College strive to deliver services and instruction with the utmost level of respect and collegiality, including acting in accordance with college policies and state and federal laws.

Students dissatisfied with the conduct of a college employee or a campus procedure can bring a complaint to the attention of the appropriate department chair, director, or administrator at any time.

Before filing a complaint, students should make every effort to resolve their dissatisfaction informally with the college personnel immediately involved. If efforts to resolve the matter does not lead satisfactory resolution, the students may submit a complaint with the appropriate supervisor or administrator. (Still need a list of all supervisors). If, after contacting the appropriate supervisor or administrator, students are not satisfied with the outcome, students may file a complaint form to the appropriate vice president.

Contact Us

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Student Services Bldg.
4800, VPSS, Room 48322


Jason Cifra
Vice President for Student Services
Campus Title IX and Section 504/Title II Coordinator 
6201 Winnetka Ave.
Woodland Hills CA 91371
(818) 710-2911​​​​

Student Conduct

Dean Juan Carlos Astorga
(818) 710-2248                     @email.

ADA Compliance

Rolf Schleicher, LAPC ADA Coordinator
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 710-4142