Physics is the study and mathematical description of the universe and everything in it. If you think that is excessively broad you are right. Physics is the most fundamental of all sciences; it informs and illuminates all other areas of science and engineering. Specifically, we study the nature of matter and energy and how they interact with one another. Whether it is figuring out the speed of cars in a collision, understanding how a car engine functions, knowing how stars produce energy, exploring waves on the ocean, knowing why atoms combine, exploring the earth's magnetic poles, or considering how a mountain road will affect erosion patterns, physics has a role to play. This is a field both ancient and modern, challenging and exciting.

Here at Pierce we take an active hands on approach to learning physics. Nearly all of our courses combine lecture, lab, and group work into a semester of exploring and understanding the way our world works. Our courses include

Faculty Advisor - Dr. Margaret Wessling


Physics 101, 102, & 103 – 5 Units each - A three semester, calculus based series exploring all the fundamental areas of physics. This sequence prepares you for further study in the physical sciences and engineering. 101 focuses on mechanics, the description and explanation of motion. 102 teaches thermal physics, electricity, and magnetism. 103 explores all kinds of waves including mechanical, sound, light, and quantum mechanics.

Physics 66 & 67 – 5 Units each - A two semester calculus based series which prepares you for further study in the biological sciences. It is particularly aimed at students interested in medical fields, but is open to all. 66 focuses on mechanics, the description and explanation of motion including oscillations and mechanical waves, and thermal physics. 67 explores electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics.

Physics 6 & 7 - 4 Units each - A two semester, algebra-trigonometry based series which prepares you for further study in the biological sciences. It is particularly aimed at students interested in medical fields, but is open to all. 6 focuses on mechanics, the description and explanation of motion including oscillations and mechanical waves, and thermal physics. 7 explores electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics.

Physics 12 - 3 Units - A lecture based survey of physics, focusing on historical perspective and applications to modern society.


  • Dr. Margaret Wessling
  • Dr. Lee Loveridge
  • Prof. Ryan Eagle
  • Dr. Adrian Soldatenko
  • Dr. Kwun Hung Cheung
  • Dr. Armen Kocharian
  • Prof. Michelle Meyer
  • Prof. Raymond Bergstrom
  • Prof. Lance Argano-Rush
  • Prof. Eugene Allevato

Office Information

Office Location

Office: CFS 91061


Travis Orloff, Department Chair
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 710-2211

Office: CFS 91091

Dr. Margaret Wessling, Faculty Advisor
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 610-6541