The Child Development Permit is an early childhood teaching permit which states that you have fulfilled certain education requirements and authorizes you to teach or supervise in an early childhood education program. It is issued by the State of California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. There are six different kinds of permits. The requirements for each are explained on the Child Development Permit Matrix. Child Development Permits were formerly known as Children's Center Instructional Permits.
Who needs a Child Development Permit?
You must have a permit to be eligible to apply for jobs as teachers or directors in subsidized centers (Title 5) funded by the Child Development Division of the California Department of Education. Other types of early childhood programs can choose to require permits for employment. To view the Child Development Permit Matrix (pdf)
How to apply for the Child Development Permit:
- Apply by completing an application available from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
- Phone: (916) 445-7256 or (888) 921-2682 toll-free, voicemail: (916) 445-7254
- (Analysts are available by phone between 12:30 pm and 4:30 pm.)
- web site at and e-mail at @email
- Mailing address is P.O. Box 944270, Sacramento, CA 94244-2700.
- Information on permits and on permit fee reimbursements is available from the
- Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC) at (209) 572-6080 or visit
Do Private Preschool Teachers (Title 22) Need Permits?
No, teachers and directors in licensed, non-subsidized centers (Title 22) do not need permits. However, they do need to meet the Department of Social Services (DSS) licensing requirements. Teachers in DSS licensed programs need to have 12 semester units in Early Childhood Education or Child Development and at least six months experience. Teachers must have at least six semester units before working in a childcare center and continue taking a minimum of two units each semester until the total 12 are earned. Teachers working in Infant and Toddler programs need an additional three units in infant and toddler education.
Directors must have 12 semester units in ECE/Child Development and three units in administration or staff relations plus four years of teaching experience in child care. (In order to meet DSS requirements “experience” means working at least three hours per day.) Directors of Infant and Toddler programs must have an additional three units in infant and toddler education according to DSS. If applicants have more than the minimum educational requirements, they need less experience in order to qualify as directors.