Directions: The Pierce College Literary Magazine
What is Directions?
Directions is a student literary magazine, featuring the poetry, fiction, essays, and short drama of Pierce students. There are copies of the magazine in FO 2200 and FO 2500, the library by the reference desk, and the bookstore.
Students can submit short stories, poems, essays, photos, or illustrations to Directions. E-mail Professor Dustin Lehren at @email or visit
Directions accepts material each semester for publication in the next issue. Work submitted for consideration by the editorial staff must conform to the guidelines below. Poems, fiction, essays and short drama submitted to the magazine must be the original work of registered Pierce students or staff.
All material must be typed. No names should appear on any work submitted for consideration; you will receive a submission number, which should be placed on each page of your composition(s). Having a backup copy of the material on a disk with your name on it is also appreciated.
Contributors must sign a release form with their name, address and phone number, giving the magazine permission to publish their work.
All contributors will be notified of the editorial staff's decisions; if you wish to have material returned, it must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
For information, contact the faculty sponsor, Dustin Lehren:
Poems may be of any length, on any subject, and in any form or style. No more than five (5) poems by any one author may be submitted for consideration.
Fiction may be in any style or form, including excerpts of novels. The maximum length of any one piece is 3000 words. No more than two (2) works of fiction may be submitted by any one author.
Essays may be either creative or critical (evaluating a creative work or examining an artistic, literary, aesthetic, or intellectual aspect or idea). The maximum length of any one piece is 2500 words. No more than three (3) essays may be submitted by any one author.
The magazine will consider short dramatic works, such as monologues, one-act plays, or an excerpt of a larger work, including screenplays. The maximum length of any one piece is 10-12 pages. No more than three (3) works of drama may be submitted by any one author.
Art and Photography
Original art and photographs may be submitted for inclusion in a special gallery section (black & white only). Cover material may be in color.
Become Part of the Editorial Staff
You can be a part of Directions by joining the editorial staff or by submitting your own creative writing to the magazine. Join the editorial staff by enrolling in English 32 (2 units) and 60 (1 unit). Select the material to appear in Directions and learn how to produce a literary magazine.